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I started to rewatch Merlin again cuz I have no life and now that I am I realize how much tension there is between Arthur and his father. Like from the get-go it is rough. Anyway feel free to comment what you have been up to recently!


Merlin woke up to the warm sensation of the sun's rays on his pale face. Usually the sensation would elicit dread for the day's work to come, but today felt different. 'Why did today feel different?' You may ask, dear reader, well that is because (Gaaaaaayyyyy) Merlin woke up more comfortable than he has in a long time.

He felt secure and safe as well as warm. This too should trigger warning bells in his head because he is never warm and safe especially on winter mornings. But it didn't because Merlin knew something that you all don't.

He is safe. He is warm. And most of all he is loved.

Merlin took a deep breath of the fresh Camelot air and turned around to face the love of his life, his pillow, that's right Arthur got 'hot' in the middle of the night and decided to abandon Merlin and leave him severely lacking in cuddles. (A bad boyfriend if you ask me)

And when Merlin remembered this he huffed and opened his eyes to look at the royal in question. Arthur was still fast asleep but he was starting to look cold so Merlin scooched his way across the expanse of bed between them and pulled the knight into his lanky arms.

The king scooted closer still in his sleep feeling the warmth of his boyfriend close again. And Merlin smiled as he closed his eyes once more trying to catch some more sleep before he had to do his morning chores.

Arthur turned and scooted closer to Merlin and, pulling himself closer, he squished his face in Merlin's chest breathing in the scent of ✨manservant✨.

Having cuddled close the two were content in each other's embrace. And they stayed that way for hours more until the incessant knocking of a knight became impossible to ignore.

The knight in question was Gwaine and he knew what was happening behind closed doors and wanted to annoy the happy couple like the little asshole he was. But just when the king was going to cave and go yell at the insolent buffoon a savior came to the rescue. Percival! Yes percival came and yanked Gwaine away from the royal chambers intent on doing some berry picking with his boyfriend.

From percival's point of view he was getting the best of all deals. 1) he got to spend time with his lovely boyfriend, 2) Arthur would most likely be grateful and let him have an easy time at training, and 3) since they clearly didn't have training today they get to do more berry picking! (There is a specific berry that only grows in the winter just go with it!)

And so Percy got what he wanted and Arthur did too read the best of both worlds!


Hello my lovelies! I am not that happy with how this one turned out but I wanted to get something out to you so I hope you like it! Remember to comment any other short stories you would like me to do! Have a good day/night! Love you my lovelies!💚

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