An unexpected visitor pt. 2

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Hello! I recently saw a comment on Pinterest mentioning my book and I got so hyped that I just short circuited for like 15 minutes! I mean I can see that lots of people have ready my work it just never clicked until that second and I'm freaking out!!! Thank you so much for all the love and support! I love you guys so much!!💚

⚠️violence, assault, minor reference to possible rape⚠️


The sun rose high in the sky and Arthur decided he should get up and wait for the arrival of Gaius. He refused to let Merlin get up because of his condition, and the boy grumbled about not wanting to be stuck in a prat's bed. Although if Merlin were fully honest with himself he was really comfortable in the bed, I mean it was 'fit for a king' and such.

But he also didn't put up too much resistance because he knew that the questions were coming from both Arthur and Gaius. He hadn't told anyone of his dealings the previous night. But suffice to say they did not go well, and Merlin really didn't remember much after the swords. But he would have to explain it eventually.


At around 10 in the morning Gaius made his way into the prince's chambers and started to check Merlin's wounds for infection. Arthur was pacing back and forth clearly deep in thought, his nails getting shorter by the second from his insistent biting at them. And by the way things were going Merlin was starting to get more worried for the prince, as it seemed he would wear a hole through the floor pretty soon.

When he was done re-bandaging Merlin's wounds he gave Merlin a look that said 'you better tell me later' with his iconic eyebrow raise. Merlin nodded looking guilty and smiled a small grateful smile as Gaius walked away to see to his other duties. Merlin was glad that Gaius trusted him to tell him when he was ready. But Arthur on the other hand had very different plans for when exactly he would find out the happenings of the night before.

As soon as the footsteps of the court physician had faded Arthur turned swiftly toward the recovering man in his bed and rushed over to his side grabbing his hand in the process of sitting on the edge of the bed.

"What happened? Why were you out that late at night? Who did this to you!? Why did they do it!?" Arthur rushed the questions out getting more desperate as he went on.

Merlin moved his other hand to hold Arthur's even though the simple movement was very painful. But he pushed through and squeezed the royals slightly shaking hands. "It's okay now Arthur there is no need to worry about me I'm okay now." Merlin said it in as assuring tone as he could muster trying to push down the pain in his aching body.

But unfortunately for Merlin's sake this was one lie Arthur could easily see through. "Merlin don't lie to me, it is clearly not okay. You are in pain and that is not okay! So please.. tell me who did this!" Arthur was looking intently at Merlin's face for some hint of an answer but couldn't find any.

"I... I can't tell you" Merlin muttered looking down at their linked hands trying to avoid Arthur's gaze.

"Why not? I'm the prince, no one will hurt you from now on, you are under my protection" Arthur insisted.

"You just don't get it," Merlin replied seeming to want to curl in on himself as the conversation went on.

"What could I possibly not get!?" Arthur insisted, "someone I care about is hurt and you expect me to ignore it!?" He was almost ready to go on a rampage, why did his people think so little of themselves!?

Merlin looked up at this, 'Arthur cares about me?' He asked himself and 'he actually wants to do something about it?'

Although his hopeful thoughts were halted when he remembered the events of the previous night. 'Once he knows he will not feel the same' Merlin thought, his head dropping once again to stare at his lap.

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