One singular sensation

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Uh-oh! More angst? Could it be? Yes! Suffer my children!


Merlin looked up. Something was wrong. His king. His everything. His world. This could be fixed right?

His shirt. It was ripped. Merlin could mend it. Right? Merlin could fix this. He looked up ignoring the currant (dark red) liquid that was still warm and slowly oozing out of a wound on his side into a dark ever growing puddle on the ground beneath the royal.

Trailing his unbelieving eyes up his destiny he saw the lips of his lover. They were too pale. They were supposed to be a plump peach. Instead they were a deathly porcelain. Starting to look like a marble statue because of their eerie stillness.

He continued on going further up the king's frame when his eyes rested on the open glassy eyes of his best friend. His eyes were still their usual cerulean color but they were frozen in a horror stricken expression.

Lastly Merlin moved his eyes up to the soft golden locks of the one and future king. His hair was matted with dried blood. But other than the blood smeared on the beautiful shining locks his hair was fine. Except for one piece. That piece was hanging over his forehead. Dangerously close to his eyes. That reminded Merlin of this morning when getting his king ready. The king had talked about how he was going to need a haircut soon. And he was right his hair was getting long.

The thought had never occurred to Merlin that the knight would not be getting that haircut. He was too busy placing the strand of hair back into its rightful place.

And before Merlin could process his king's death. He was hit by a blast, and blown away from the royal. He did not know if he was ever going to see his king again. He did not even know if he was going to open his eyes again either.

His life was gone. His purpose was gone. His reason to keep going was gone. Why should he keep fighting to live a life that was worthless? He didn't. He couldn't.


Okay babes! Wipe those tears away and tell me how angry you are! Don't worry I can take it! Anyway, comment any ideas you have for me to write and have a good day/night my lovelies!!💚

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