Don't touch me!

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Hey! You know what time it is? It's time for angst! Have fun 😈!
AU: neglected! Merlin


Arthur pov
This was the worst situation ever. Merlin's mother had come to visit. And every day I watched her verbally abuse him for the smallest inconveniences. And he didn't fight back! He just sat and silently took it. It's like he was used to it.

I am going to find him and am him about why he just lets her do that.

I walked to Gaius' chambers and knocked. When Gaius opened the door I asked of Merlin's whereabouts. He simply stated that he was in his room.

I knocked on Merlin's door and waited. "Come in!" I heard as well as shuffling.

When I opened the door I saw Merlin pulling his shirt down over a large bandage that was wrapped around his torso and when he let go of the shirt he winced as it hit his stomach.

"Hey, what's that bandage for?" I asked hoping it wasn't his mom.

"Oh. I fell while taking your laundry down the stairs. It was an accident." He said and smiled slightly.

I was just about to ask about his mom and why she was such a jerk when the woman herself came barging in without knocking. She entirely disregarded the presence of the prince and started berating her son about all of the things he had done wrong and why he was a horrible person overall.

As she kept talking I noticed she was noticeably drunk especially from the nasty stench of alcohol coming from her breath. And it didn't take but two minutes until she was dragging Merlin out of his room by his ear to do god knows what.

Well I quickly lost track of them and decided I was going to wait until this evening when Merlin came to help me after dinner to bring up the subject of his mother. She was supposed to be leaving the next day anyway.


3rd pov
Merlin limped into the king's chambers claiming to have taken another tumble down a flight of stairs when the king asked him about his limp. But the king refused to take this as an answer and decided it was his duty to make sure that Merlin was actually okay.

Arthur tried to grab Merlin by the shoulder so he could guide him to a chair and examine his leg. But the servant always found a way to avoid his grasp, whether it be distracting him by saying his shoe was untied, or running (a speedy hobble at best) quickly to do another chore.

And throughout all of this interaction the two of them had had no physical contact in the slightest. And Merlin was perfectly content to keep it that way.


As Merlin was getting Arthur ready for bed he spoke up. Telling the prince he had some news.

The prince immediately sat up ready to listen to his manservant. And slowly Arthur reached out to bring Merlin to the bed to sit down in a final attempt to make him relax.

And that is when (the sh*t hit the fan) Merlin lost it. Arthur had successfully grasped Merlin's shoulder but at what cost? Merlin shrieked and stumbled away from the half naked king.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" Merlin screamed. Arthur was in such a shock that he sat frozen in a trance fro a solid minute. And when he came back to reality he didn't like what he saw. Merlin was on the floor curled up in a ball and sobbing.

"merlin..." Arthur's voice cracked, and he continued in a whisper.

Merlin's shaking form seemed to freeze for a second. And then he shuddered. "it burns arthur..." Merlin whispered back.

Arthur was confused. It burns? What burns? But before Arthur could ask Merlin stood up having rid himself of his tears.

"I wanted to tell you that I am leaving back to Ealdor with my mom tomorrow. Don't come after me." Merlin said his voice sounding eerily steady, and with a sense of finality that was foreign to Arthur entirely.

Then he limped out of the king's chambers gritting his teeth at the scene that had just played out between the two of them.

And Arthur was utterly defeated. He did want to follow Merlin but what would happen to him if he did? Did he really want to know the truth about what really goes on between Merlin and his mother?


Okay so I'm sorry... but I haven't really written any angsty angst and wanted to give it a try. It is not satisfying to me and I have zero other ideas for it but I am open to suggestions. Although if you make me cry I might just punch a b*tch.

And if you or a loved one would like. Compensation in a lawsuit you can always suggest a fluff prompt to lighten your mood!

Have a great day/night! Love you my lovelies!💚

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