Why aren't you scared?

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Heyo! So this is the next oneshot as you know because you have been reading these (hopefully) and yeah....

Language warning cuz we have a very angry Boi on our hands... also ⚠️gore warning ⚠️... heck yeah details!!!!



They were in the middle of a fight. Most of the enemies were just regular knights and could easily be defeated but there was a big sorcerer (not powerful he just looked like a brick wall, don't worry it plays into the plot) who was up on a hill. The sorcerer was about to unleash a big attack at Arthur but Merlin was having none of that.

Merlin sprinted up the hill and tackled the man who was much much bigger than him and held him there. And the sorcerer  being the dickhead he was decided to keep throwing attacks at Merlin. He of course was taking the magical beating like a champ.

But the longer that Merlin sat there holding this guy down the more he realized that this man who had a shit eating grin on his face had attempted to not only harm but kill his Arthur.


This grabbed the attention of the knights and Arthur who had just finished fighting off the regular knights and were now fully focused on a screaming Merlin.

The knights faces twisted in fear and shock as they watched their scrawny friend grab the jackass by the collar and shake him violently. Some of them getting dizzy just from seeing it.

Merlin finally let go of the man watching him fall harshly on the ground beneath him. Then the man smiled... again. And Merlin lost his shit once again. He started punching the man in the face repeatedly. There was blood spurting from the man's nose and splattered on Merlin's face. But even when the man was unconscious Merlin kept going.

He had kept in all of his anger from all of the attacks they had faced previously, thinking it would get in the way of their friendship if he was too overprotective. But holding all of that in was like creating his very own horrific Pandora's box. And when it was unleashed he didn't need magic or anything, he was running on pure rage filled adrenaline.

(Remember Merlin and the man are up on the hill) The sun was starting to go down and perfectly framed the scene on the hill from behind. Soon you could no longer distinguish any feature or color in the scene but could still hear and see the outlines of the two figures. (Someone please draw this🙏)


When Merlin finally came down from the hill Arthur immediately rushed to him. Merlin was stumbling and covered in blood, surprisingly most of it actually was his own because he was bleeding from his wounds attained while the man was still alive.

And Merlin knew he had to fix his wounds somehow. He was so focused on that that he hadn't noticed the group of bewildered and amazed knights following him.

Merlin pulled off his shirt and threw it knowing that it was unable to be saved by any number of washes. And Arthur's eyes widened in horror as he saw Merlin's chest. There were practically chunks of him gone. Holes in his chest oozing with blood (😬just writing that felt 😖). Arthur reached out to touch Merlin. Merlin jumped when he saw the hand coming toward him.

"Y-you... did you see that?!" Merlin questioned.

"Yes I saw it." Arthur whispered in response, his eyes were filling with tears as he saw the damage that Merlin experienced.

"H-he's... I killed him." Merlin whispered.

"I know... but it's okay..." Arthur reassured Merlin and was trying to get closer to him so he could stop the bleeding.

"He was going to hurt you... kill you.... I-I had to... there was no other..." Merlin was lost, his sentences were going nowhere.

"Hey... hey. I'm okay. I'm here... Merlin come here, come to me." Arthur said he opened his arms and waited for the traumatized boy to come to him.

Merlin's tears were flowing down his face in a steady waterfall and he was shaking so much. His wounds were now pretty much healed (his magic dipstick, plus I said so and I'm god here sooo...). He rushed forwards falling face first into Arthur's warm chest.

The knights had now begun to realize that this was a very personal scene and had walked away to set up a camp for when the two were good and calm. Gwaine wanted to stay and watch but was dragged away whining by an amused looking Perceval.

Merlin was slowly calming down. Being able to hear his king's heartbeat was helping significantly. He let out a sniffle of finality.

"Are you scared of me?" Merlin asked in an infinitesimal voice, so small in fact that Arthur kind of thought he imagined it.

"Scared of you? You? Why would I be scared of you? You saved me and if you beating a guy to death with your bare fists and no magic isn't (hot as shit) proof of your love for me then I don't know what is." Arthur said his smile slowly growing.

Merlin returned a small smile and the two of them stood up.

"Also quick question Merlin" Arthur stated, "since when did you have rock hard abs?"

Merlin flushed and looked away.

The two made their way to the knights' camp, the colorful dusk sky filling the background in behind them. (Someone pls draw this one too🙏)


Okay hoots, hoes and non-binary bros! Another one is finished. I do have to say I am proud of my writing here.

If you you have any suggestions please let me know in the comments and have a wonderful day/night!!! Love you my lovelies!!!💚

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