An unexpected visitor

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It was late at night and Arthur was sleeping away in his chambers when a loud banging was heard at his door. The king got up and grumbled about being woken at such an ungodly hour but trotted tiredly to the door and opened it.

On the other side of the door was a shivering, scratched up, and sobbing Merlin. Arthur's eyes immediately shot wide open. What was Merlin doing here? Especially at this time of night?

But the king's musings about these circumstances were quickly cut off but the sight of the now almost unconscious manservant's body swaying and heading straight for a tumble to the concrete floor. Arthur quickly caught Merlin and hoisted him up into his arms, bringing him over to his bed so that he could rest.

Arthur had to know why Merlin wasn't at Gaius' chambers. He lightly shook Merlin and asked him why he was here and what happened. Merlin's simply responded 'I had no where else to turn to, this is the safest place I know.' This astonished Arthur, but also brought up even more questions.

Why was Merlin so beat up? Why was he crying? Was Arthur the safety Merlin had sought? Was Arthur's chambers the safety Merlin had sought(because of the guards)?

All of these questions had to wait for the time being though because right now the only person who could answer them was unconscious. Arthur went to his chamber doors and called out to a guard standing just next to them asking him to retrieve Gaius for a very important matter.


When Gaius arrived he treated Merlin's wounds and almost with perfect timing both Gaius and Arthur went to ask each other about Merlin's whereabouts and why he was in this condition. Upon realizing that neither of them had an answer to the question Gaius returned to his chambers saying he would ask Merlin tomorrow when he was awake.

Arthur bid him goodnight and determined to get at least a little bit of sleep instead of worrying over Merlin promptly flopped onto his bed next to Merlin and fell into a dreamless sleep.


When Merlin woke up he was very sore even thinking seemed to make his body ache. But he soon noticed a pair of arms around him and looked up to see a peaceful king above him, his king to be exact.

And at the realization of where he was (in the king's arms and in his bed) Merlin quickly tried and failed to get out of the king's grip. However the second he tried to move the king's grip tightened and the one and only Arthur Pendragon woke up.

"Mmm... five more minutes." Said the groggy half asleep voice of the king as he tightened his arms around his newly chosen body pillow.

But this, admittedly sweet, moment between the king and his manservant was to end prematurely when the king's eyes shot open upon his remembering his lack of owning a body pillow and realizing that he was holding an actual human being.

When the king's eyes shot open the first thing he saw was the face of his manservant. Then his memory instantly came back of Merlin sobbing and looking incredibly scratched up. And at this heart wrenching image Arthur pulled Merlin impossibly closer to him as if to protect him.

Merlin was surprised by the king's action and looked up at his face to see if it could give him any clarity. And when he looked up he saw anguish in the once and future king's eyes. And, not thinking much of his actions, Merlin's hands shot up with the destination of Arthur's face as their resting place. (Okay but like could someone please draw this scene cuz this seems very beautiful to me😭)

At the feeling of Merlin's hands coming in contact with his face, Arthur's eyes shot open and darted quickly to find Merlin's. Once they found each other and maintaining eye contact Arthur seemed to relax a little upon seeing that Merlin looked better than last night...


To be Continued!....
I am so out of ideas for this one, so if any of you could help with  ideas it would be greatly appreciated! Btw I am only making a part 2 of this.
As always if you have any I dead for other stories you would like me to do I would be more than willing to make your wishes come true. Have a good day/evening lovelies!💚

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