The problem (but not really)

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Arthur had a problem and he did not realize he had a problem until it came hurtling at him in the shape of Merlin. This is a story about how Arthur realized and dealt with his problem. Enjoy!!!


3rd POV
Arthur and the knights were out hunting and naturally Merlin was there because Arthur needs his emotional support person, who just so happens to also be his ray of sunshine servant (convenient am I right?).

But they got attacked by bandits (oh whoop-dee-doo who'd a' thunk!) and as per usual Merlin 'ran and hid' at least from the perspective of the knights and Arthur. But the events that actually took place during the battle are not important, or at least not as important as the ones that took place after the battle.

When Merlin's attention was focused back onto Arthur (is it ever not on him you little simp?) he was overjoyed seeing Arthur alive and mostly unharmed, he would probably have a few bruises but no stab wounds. So overjoyed in fact that he took a running start and jumped up and onto Arthur's torso and wrapping his legs around his waist.

This surprised Arthur to no end. Why was Merlin suddenly right here? Why was Merlin hugging him? Where did he come from? Is he okay, because he doesn't usually show this much affection? How is his grip this strong? Why am I panicking? Should I hug him back? Would that be weird? Is he gonna hate me if I don't? Will he hate me if I do?.......etc. (you get the picture it was pure gay panic)

But all of Arthur's questions were soon answered by their bringer when Merlin quickly realized where he was and who he was hugging. He jumped off of a stunned Arthur and started to apologize profusely simply stating that he was worried throughout the battle and was just so relieved when it was over that no one was hurt and stopped thinking logically in the moment (yeah right you were worried about your little Arthur-poo). And from here Merlin would not stop mumbling (deku is that you?) until Arthur put his hand over his mouth preventing him from speaking.

After all of this fiasco they set off back home to Camelot!


In the castle w/ Merlin and Arthur (Arthur's chambers)
Still 3rd POV
Arthur was eating his dinner while Merlin was changing his bed sheets. He seemed to be struggling with the corners (me too bro I cannot change my bed sheets, it's so hard) and Arthur was about to make it 100% worse for him, not on purpose though.

"Y'know Merlin it was kinda weird the thing you did earlier, and I could tell you weren't telling the truth about why you did it, so why did you actually do it?" Arthur stated, watching the back of Merlin's head as he struggled with the fitted sheet.

"I would not know what you were referring to Arthur, because you think most things I do are weird. But I'm sure whatever it is I have a sound explanation for it, no need to worry." Merlin replied, finally getting the last corner and turning to smile brightly at Arthur.

Arthur just couldn't take it. He felt guilty for not hugging back immediately and Merlin was so cute why wouldn't he want to hug him.

So that's exactly what Arthur did, he got up from his table and walked over to Merlin, promptly pulling the young warlock into a comfortable hug. Merlin was surprised but quickly hugged back, this was not something they had ever done before. But now that they were doing it neither of them wanted to let go. So they flopped onto the bed and cuddled into each other, kicking their shoes off and getting comfortable. Merlin pulled the covers up and over them then buried his head into Arthur's chest and fell asleep.

Arthur was in pure ecstasy, he lived the feeling of having Merlin in his arms. He loved Merlin! He too soon fell asleep and if they were found the next morning by an angry Gaius demanding to know where Merlin had been then I guess we'll never know.


Thank you for reading this! I always enjoy making them. If you have any other ideas for stories you want me to write, just comment them or send me a message. Have a good day/night! I love you all!!!💚

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