Jealousy doesn't suit you

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Hewo babes! I am not dead, and I have written something for yous! Plz enjoy!


It was a regular day in Camelot. The nights were training, the maids were singing, Arthur was looking out of his window (seemingly angry) down at the courtyard where the stables were, Merlin was mucking out the stables with his new friend Bryan and the two of them were chattering away. Nothing out of the ordinary was happening today.

But you may be asking, dear reader, 'Why is Arthur so angry?', and I would say that is a mighty fine question to be asking, but you seem to be getting ahead of yourself. Just based on the fact that you are reading this means that you are going to find out. So be patient and read on my friend.

Bryan's POV (oh my gosh it's like I can actually write or something)

It was a lovely afternoon and the sun was shining. And I know yes I am mucking out the stables but this week the mucking load was light and I have help from my new friend Merlin.

He is so awesome! He is kinda really famous around here so I knew his name way before he knew mine, but everybody knows Merlin so that's to be expected. But he actually asked me what my name was!

Although I don't really know why he works in the stables with me. I mean it's technically just my job not his but apparently the prince thinks that it is necessary that he does it too.

Usually when Merlin talks about the prince he complains about how needy he is or how he is grumpy. But I don't really understand why he is always so grumpy with Merlin. I mean sure Merlin talks back and uses sarcasm in many inappropriate places but he still manages to get his hefty work load done by the end of the day so what difference does it make?

I think all of the other maids and servants would agree with me that Merlin is like an older brother to us in many ways. He truly is awesome.

Merlin POV

I was almost done mucking out the stables with Bryan and then it would be time to help Arthur get ready for bed. Speaking of Arthur, I need to talk to him about what is going on today. He won't stop staring at me. It's like I can feel his eyes stabbing my back!

That clotpole better not be thinking again, he knows things go bad when he does.

"Okay that seems to be the last of it! Hey Bryan, I really need to get to prince prat so would you mind closing up here for me?" I asked.

Bryan nodded, snickering at my dig at the prince, and smiled at me as I closed the stable door and started to make my way to the royal chambers. He was a quiet boy, very sweet but not very talkative. In fact the first time I heard him talk ever was a week or so ago when I finally asked his name.

But back to the situation at hand I'm going to confront captain clotpole up in the window about why he was glaring daggers into my back.

3rd POV

When Merlin opened the door to the prince's chambers he was slightly louder than usual. This was partly because he wanted to alert the prince of his arrival and partly because he was angry and wanted the arrogant man to know it.

At the sudden loud noise of the door Arthur jumped a little and turned to Merlin looking startled and a bit confused. Merlin sounded angry, but why? Well he was about to get his answer.

"Why were you looking out the window all afternoon?" Merlin demanded

"I was surveying the kingdom for danger, it is my job as a knight you know" Arthur tried to defend himself

"So apparently 'the kingdom' is the courtyard or more specifically my back. You know you're not very subtle when you glare daggers into someone's back Arthur" Merlin kind of ranted

And naturally now it was Arthur's turn to 'defend' himself, "well the courtyard is closest to the castle itself so naturally it should be patrolled and protected more than the larger part of the city, and sue me for wanting to protect the people in the courtyard as well as the royal family!" Arthur was grasping at straws if he was being honest with himself (which he wasn't).

"Arthur... this is about Bryan isn't it?" Merlin asked. Arthur has been in a particularly foul mood since Merlin became friends with Bryan, and if he didn't know any better he would say that Arthur was jealous.

Arthur's only response was to look down at his shoes, apparently the freshly shined buckles were now more interesting than the conversation at hand.

Merlin scanned his eyes over Arthur and slowly approached him. "Arthur I'm not mad at you for wanting to protect me, but you need to understand that I can protect myself and Bryan certainly isn't a threat to me." Merlin was now a couple feet from Arthur.

" I...I know he isn't a threat to you but he's a threat to me...." Arthur struggled to get the words out.

And the words only served to confuse Merlin all the more. "Arthur how is he a threat to you?" Merlin was starting to get concerned, if the boy was a threat to his Arthur and Merlin hadn't realized it how had he slipped past him?

"It's just you always spend time with him and you seem really happy" Arthur 'explained' as if that made anything clear at all.

And now Merlin was even more confused. "Arthur you do know that it is his job to muck out the stables and not mine right?" Merlin questioned. "Also that still doesn't explain how he is a threat to you."

"Well you seem super happy when you're with him mhhonghh szhnfjcdd snwdncjk~~~~" the second half of his speech was mumbled and Merlin strained to hear it but was unsuccessful.

"Could you repeat that second half? Your diction seems to have eluded you." Merlin joked and stepped closer to Arthur.

"I said unlike when you're with me" Arthur seemed to hunch in on himself under Merlin's calculating gaze.

"If I didn't know any better, I would think you were jealous, Arthur." Merlin stated.

"And what if I am?" Arthur asked finally looking up from his feet and directly at Merlin.
And there it was all out in the open.

"Well then I would have to say that jealousy really doesn't suit you. Especially since you worry about things that needn't be worried about." Merlin responded.

Arthur looked away feeling guilty. And began to hunch in on himself once again. But Merlin was not about to let that happen again. Merlin quickly crossed what little space was left between them and gathered Arthur into his arms.

At the sudden contact Arthur's eyes widened in surprise.

"I'm not gonna just stop hanging out with you cuz I have a new friend. You know that because I would never do that." Merlin mumbled into Arthur's shoulder

Merlin was going to add a snarky comment about how Arthur is the one who puts him there in the first place but eventually decided it was not right for the moment.

When Arthur got over the shock of being hugged so quickly he reciprocated the hug and nuzzled his face into Merlin's neck.

Merlin smiled to himself. 'How could this man ever think I was going to leave him' Merlin thought.

And they lived happily ever after

The End.


'Twas it my dudes! I know the ending isn't good but I wanted to get something out to you guys. If you have any requests please send them my way! And as always  have a great day/night my lovelies! I love you!💚

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