Everybody loves Merlin 💚

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Okay so I wanted to write something a little longer and here it is!
Words: 2787 (without intro/outro)

Arthur's day started normal. He and the knights, accompanied by Merlin of course, were in a small village to take care of some bandits that had been wreaking havoc in the town and had finished them off last night. So late did they finish their task, in fact, that they decided to spend one more night in the town inn and would make their way bright and early the next day.

So far their plan was successful and Merlin had gone out to ready the horses for their two day journey back to Camelot. The knights didn't waste time lolligagging around the inn and made their way out to the stables that were adjacent to the building.

And when they got there boy were they in for a surprise. Merlin was getting the horses ready as usual but was a little unaware of his surroundings. He accidentally bumped into a young lady who seemed to be getting another horse ready. She fell harshly to her butt with a small yelp, catching Merlin's attention.

When Merlin realized that she was on the ground he swiftly turned around and reached a hand out to her to help her up, and started a profuse apology. She assured him that is was fine and she as well should have been watching her surroundings.

Now this would have been a mundane and frankly unnoticed interaction. But as fate would have it it went very noticed by the knights especially after their next interaction.

You see the girl was fairly attractive, especially for a farm girl, and of course Merlin noticed this. And he kept a hold of her hand even after she was back on her feet and re-proclaimed his apologies and bent in a short graceful bow to plant a kiss on her hand.

The girl flushed at the sudden display of affection and when Merlin's hand let go of hers both of her petite hands went flying up to her rosy cheeks. She then asked what that was for. Merlin simply responded with 'a kiss on the hand is for royalty, you yourself look fit to be a queen in my eyes!' (Keep in mind the knights and Arthur are watching this exchange from around the corner of the building)

Then Merlin gestured to the horse behind her asking if she needed/wanted any help with the task at hand. She responded with a little shake of her head stating that she had it all ready. The only thing she needed assistance with was getting on the horse (didn't want to flash anyone).

And Merlin was quick to action. Lifting her up like she was a precious jewel and placing her gently in the saddle. He then took the reins of the horse she was on and slowly led the horse out of the stable with her on it in order for her departure to be swift and almost effortless. And finally in his last act of chivalry toward her he gently took her hand again, bowed, and placed another light kiss to the back of her hand to wish her well on her long journey.

And as she started on her way she was scarlet in the face and smiling like it was her birthday. She said a quiet thank you to Merlin and waved at him as she rode away into the dewey morning air.

The knights were ready to swoon at the charm of the servant, none of them knew this to be a part of Merlin's character but they were glad to know he wasn't always clumsy around everyone, not that his clumsiness took away from his charm because it certainly didn't, they were just happy to see a different side of Merlin that they usually did not get to see.


Later that day when it was reaching dusk the group decided to stop in a tavern/inn for the night in another small town directly in the middle of their journey, hoping to get an early start the next morning just like the previous.

But upon their arrival the knights and Arthur were in for a surprise. Merlin's and Arthur had their own separate table because the knights were too rowdy for Arthur at this time of night and Merlin was willing to offer Arthur his company.

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