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Get ready for fluff!!!!!!!💚 idea credit goes to maja626b 💚💚💚


Merlin was all he could think about. And frankly, all he could look at right now. The scrawny man made his way around the feast hall filling the still mostly full goblets of the guest nobles.

This whole situation started because Uther wanted to impress the king of another kingdom by having Arthur host a feast for him. This would hopefully allow Arthur to marry the king's daughter.

As you well know Arthur did not want to marry this king's daughter. Mainly because he thought that she was too timid to rule a kingdom especially at his side.

Speaking of the princess, Anna is her name, Arthur thought this a fitting time to start a conversation with her. But when he tried to strike up a conversation, she seemed too distracted to pay any mind to his ramblings.

'distracted by what?' He thought. And as he examined her expression, he noticed her eyes being drawn to a specific set of servants speaking quietly across the room.

The servants in question were a scrawny manservant and a petite lady-in-waiting. The two seemed to be enjoying each other's company talking amiably and very animatedly in the corner muffling their giggles with their hands as to not draw too much attention to themselves.

'Well if she is distracted by some servants then I guess that means I don't have to talk to her.' Arthur thought to himself. So he turned to talk to Leon who was sitting on his other side to keep himself occupied.

But just as he started to strike up conversation with his loyal knight he felt a light tap on his right arm. And he promptly turned his attention to the now waiting princess sitting at his right.

"Yes, princess Anna? Is there something you need?" Arthur prompted. She flushed in embarrassment at his manners and proper tone, she hadn't met many men who were so mannerly in her presence; most just wanted to marry her for her money.

But she quickly composed herself and addressed Arthur with a tone that seemed to be hiding her true feelings on a situation. "Who is that serving boy who is talking very excitedly with my maid over there in the corner?" She followed this question with a quizzical look and a finger pointed at the two servers.

Now that he thought about it Arthur really had payed no mind to who the people she was looking at were but only that her attentions were not on him and therefore he was home free. So, as he had been prompted, Arthur looked at the two servants and his face contorted with so many emotions that Anna had a hard time following what the prince was thinking at all and this left her even more utterly perplexed.

Finally after realizing he had been in a prolonged silence, Arthur turned to Anna and told her, "That is my manservant. I am sorry if he is being rude he sometimes does not understand certain customs." Arthur was quick to throw Merlin under the bus (wow good job pretty boy).

"Oh! No no no, I was not mad just wondering who Maria has gotten herself into a conversation with this time." She assured.

"This time?" Arthur asked. "Does she do this often? If it bothers you who she talks to I can have adjustments made to-" Arthur started but Anna would not let him finish his thought as she a) did not want to inconvenience Arthur and b) there wasn't even an issue she was just curious.

"Oh no, that is not necessary. Maria is just a chatty person, and so seems your manservant. It is a fitting match seeing them talking so animatedly. Come to think of it I haven't seen Maria look so engaged in a conversation in quite awhile. Your manservant must be pretty smart to keep her sharp mind interested with mindless banter like that. Be sure to tell him I said these things of him." She seemed satisfied with the results of their brief conversation and had moved back to her food in the next instant.

Arthur turned away as well and continued to turn Anna's words over in his mind trying to make rhyme or reason out of it. 'I mean, Merlin is not dumb, that is for sure. But he isn't that smart, is he?'

As Arthur was silently pondering to himself he realized that he really was just tired and wanted to go to bed.

"Pardon me, I am so tried from the day's activities, I will now retire to my chambers." He said trying to sound sincere in his apologies. And Anna looked at him with an odd expression but seemed to recover quickly and smiled at him, waving a goodnight in his direction as he approached the door.

Merlin looked up from his conversation as the door slammed shut behind Arthur. He scanned the room and when he did not find his master he realized that he must have left. And he quickly followed after him.


When Arthur got to his chambers he slumped into a seat by the small fire held in his fireplace. All he could think about was the image of Merlin talking to that girl, he looked so happy. Had he ever seen him that happy when it was just the two of them?

But his train of thought was cut off by the mystery himself as he clamored in through the door. "Okay so you are supposed to be hosting a party for the lovely Anna, but here you are sitting like a rock on a stump in the middle of the woods idle and vegetative by the fire." Merlin said as he approached Arthur fully expecting some long explanation of why he didn't need to answer to the likes of a servant.

But that is not what he received, and worryingly so, all Arthur did was look at him. He looked at him with a face that showed so much and so little at the same time. Like he wanted to say a bajilion things and also nothing at all.

This worried Merlin and he decided to do anything in his power to help his prince. "Is there anything I can do to help? Can I get you anything?" He asked, deciding to break the growing tension in the room.

Arthur's face contorted into a look of anger and then he seemed to find the solution to his problem and opened his mouth to speak. "Merlin, I would like to get ready for bed." Arthur was quieter than usual but at least he was talking again, that Merlin could deal with.

And so with the incentive to get ready for bed Merlin set off to work taking the royal's armor off and setting it on the table to be cleaned later. Once Arthur was dressed for bed (or should I say undressed for bed), Merlin told him to sit down on the bed and wait a minute.

Arthur did so but grumbled about taking orders from a servant. A few seconds later Merlin's head popped out of the wardrobe and he then approached Arthur while clutching a hairbrush in his spindly fingers.

Arthur groaned and flopped onto his back. "Do you have to brush my hair? Merlin it hurts!" Arthur whined and Merlin sighed as he sat down behind the prince's back and pushed him up off the bed.

"I'm sorry Arthur but if I don't brush it now it will just get worse. If I do it enough it won't hurt as much you know." Merlin spoke quietly. There was no need to be loud, they were in a close enough proximity and being loud would ruin the calming atmosphere of the warm room.

"Y'know princess Anna thinks that you're smart." Arthur told Merlin calmly. He kind of sounded like a child telling a parent about their day.

Merlin smiled and said in response, "does she now? Well that is very kind of her." He slowly continued to pull the brush through the blond hair and watched as the tangles were undone by the brush. He was starting to get sleepy and when all of the brushing was done he threaded his own fingers through the hair and started massaging Arthur's head like it was a normal part of their routine.

Arthur leaned back into Merlin's hands. He was getting sleepy from the warmth of the room and the comforting hands on his scalp. He turned in the man's arms and dragged them both groggily down to a comfortable position and lays his heavy head on the servant's chest.

Merlin then shifts, kicking off his shoes and hugging Arthur closer to himself. Both of them breathe a contented sigh of relief. This was all either of them had wanted, to be in each other's arms.


I am so sorry that this took so long! I planned on having this out a while ago but life is so busy. But it's here now and that's all that matters.

Don't forget to comment any ideas you have for other oneshots and have a great day/night. Love you my lovelies!!!💚

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