He is talented

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I'll be honest with you guys, I hate modern AUs. Like it's got to be VERY spot on for me to like. And I'm glad that I did write a few but when I was writing them it felt like entirely different characters. And I love the dynamic between the actual Merlin and Arthur so imma stick to what I know. Anyways enjoy!
⚠️TW: none, just fluff!


It happened on a balmy Saturday afternoon when Arthur and Merlin were walking back from the training grounds. Arthur threw his vambrace straight at Merlin's face expecting to hit him while he was distracted looking for something in his bag. But no, Merlin's hand shot out just in time to catch the shiny cuff.

After another second of rooting around in his small satchel Merlin let out a little 'Aha!' As he finally found what he was looking for.

"You can catch?" Arthur said with a look of shock and disbelief on his face.

"Yes, I have many talents. You just fail to notice them." Merlin started waving the small piece of armor around as if to emphasize his point, "And you've been throwing things at me for the better part of three years now so I sure hope I've learned to catch things."

"We're with each other all day! How have I failed to notice anything!?" Exclaimed Arthur, then his foot hit an uneven part on the cobblestone and he went toppling over catching himself only with his hands and forearms.

Merlin just started laughing, and gave no sign that he was going to offer a hand in assistance any time soon.

Huffing, Arthur pushed himself back upright and dusted off his pants, "You're such an ass" he grumbled and started to stomp away.

"Wait-wait," Merlin wheezed, almost doubled over. He took a big breath in and promptly started violently coughing.

Arthur paused and turned to the seemingly dying man with a look of not-so-well-concealed concern for him.

Merlin was hunched over with his hands braced on his knees as he slowly gulped down air making sure not to choke this time. "Well-"

"Well what!" The prince bellowed from a few meters away.

Merlin stood up fully now, having recovered, and sort-of half skipped his way over to Arthur. "Well, at least I can walk and talk at the same time, unlike someone I know"

Arthur scoffed, all concern for his friend having left his mind at the snarky comment. So he turned and continued on toward his chambers.

And if, when he was sure Merlin couldn't see his face, he let a fond smile play across his lips; that's for you, me, and Arthur to know.


I'm back my lovelies! So sorry for the long wait, I don't have a good excuse I just suck, but I do hope you enjoyed this! Have a good day/night! Love you my lovelies!! 💚

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