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Everyone knew Arthur had muscles. He was the king of Camelot after all. But no one would have guessed that his scrawny manservant had muscles.

Merlin POV
I was in the armory putting away the weapons and hunting gear from the previous day's hunting trip and it was the middle of summer so it was swelteringly (is that a word?) hot, so I decided to take off my shirt and cool down a bit. I didn't expect anyone to come in. I mean we just got back I thought everyone would be resting. I was just finishing polishing Arthur's armor when suddenly the door burst open and in walks Gwaine. I panicked no one was supposed to see me without a shirt it was improper so I lunged to get my shirt but was stopped by Gwaines hands on my shoulders.
"Now where do you think you're going mate?" He asked.

"To get my shirt. ?" It came out as more of a question.

"And why would you do that we're friends it doesn't matter." Well you see that was exactly the problem. His friends saw him as a helpless servant but the fact that he had magic made him less helpless. But that wasn't the point at the moment the point was that he has had to get out of many bad situations with brute force and with that talent comes muscles.

He didn't want his friends to look at him differently just because of his appearance. That was why he wore really baggy shirts.

Finally Gwaine loosened his grip and Merlin turned to finish Arthur's armor.

Gwaine's POV
I came into the armory knowing Merlin would be there but was surprised to find him shirtless. He quickly tried to run away or grab something I hadn't really looked around much yet. But I was quicker I grabbed him by the shoulders to stop him reassuring that I wasn't going to make fun of him. He still seemed nervous. But eventually turned around to continue his work.

Then I remembered I came here to ask him a question but I couldn't remember what it was. As I tried to remember I stared off into space which just so happened to be Merlin's back.

Gah he was so tall I mean geez who needs that much height.

I continue staring at his back trying to remember what my question was when he finally turns around an exasperated look on his face, "are you just going to stand there and stare at me or did you actually come here for something?" He asked.

"I came here to ask you a que-s..." it was then that I noticed. My eyes were still focused on his torso. And as I looked I realized that he had abs. I know crazy right? "You have abs?"

He quickly turned and retrieved his shirt and slapped it on saying, "you tell no one of this. Understand?" He glared threateningly. I nodded and he walked out.


3rd POV
They were on a hunting trip again and Arthur and the knights had caught a big buck. They were trying to figure out how they were going to carry it back to camp. All of them individually couldn't carry it and it was really awkward with two people. While everyone was trying to figure this out Merlin just stood aside. This gave Gwaine an idea. (Here we go!) "what if Merlin carried it?" Gwaine shouted around to Arthur.

"Now why would we have Merlin carry it when none of us can carry it? We don't want to hurt him!" Arthur yelled back.

"I mean I could try?" Merlin stated sounding confused. Arthur looked between the buck and Merlin and finally shrugged. "Go ahead and try."

So Merlin walked over and got a good hold on the buck and swung it up over his right shoulder and started walking back to camp like it was no big deal. Leaving behind a smirking Gwaine and a dumbfounded Arthur.

When he finally fell out of his shocked stupor he went sprinting after Merlin expecting him to be laying flat on the ground because of the weight but what he found was quite nearly the exact opposite. He was face first in a book he had retrieved from his satchel and carrying the buck with one arm.

Arthur knew being a servant gave you muscles but no where near this much. He was carrying the buck like it weighed as much as a chicken!
It was then that Merlin noticed him. And put his book away. "Oh, hi! Do you need me to carry anything else? I have an extra hand."
"Yes, me!!" Yelled Gwaine as he sprinted over to where Merlin was and jumped into his unoccupied arm and there he sat as Merlin walked on like nothing happened. He carried Gwaine and the buck back to camp no problem. With Arthur and the rest of the knights following behind still shocked at the recent turn of events.


The next day when they got back to camp again Merlin said he was going to a nearby stream. All of the knights looked at each other and the all at Arthur. He put his pointer finger on his lips signaling them to stay quiet. And answered "of course just don't take too long"

Then waited a few minutes after he disappeared so signal the knights to follow.
They slowly followed being careful about making too much noise. When he got there they all gasped as he took off his shirt to reveal a very toned and muscular body.

Then Gwaine walked out into the clearing to where Merlin was. They all held their breath in anticipation of merlin's reaction. But we're surprised when he just smiled at him. They then started talking and Merlin commented on how stinky Gwaine was. So Gwaine took his shirt off and splashed his face with water refusing to get in. Merlin got annoyed by this and walked over to him and picked him up and walked into the river holding Gwaine just above it still completely dry. Suddenly he dropped Gwaine and started laughing. But this laugh wasn't the high pitched one they were used to no it was low and bellowed, but it was a Merlin cackle that was for sure.

Arthur blushed if he wasn't attracted to Merlin before he sure was now. He couldn't stop staring at his toned body.


This went on for months Merlin still oblivious to the king's obvious attraction towards him. Until finally the king couldn't help it anymore.

It was a sunny day and Merlin walked into his king's chambers. Merlin wore his purple shirt and had forgot his jacket but he went to work anyway not thinking much of it. When he arrived he threw open the curtains and said his ever so famous wake up call, "rise and shine!"

Arthur groaned and turned to look at Merlin and what he saw had him awe struck in his half asleep state it was Merlin standing in front of the window blocking the sun perfectly. He looked like he was glowing!

As Merlin approaches him Arthur became aware that Merlin was wearing a purple shirt purple really did suit him.

When Merlin was within arms length and looking to see if the king was getting up he was surprised to feel two muscular arms wrap around his waist and pull him on the bed. He then felt a face muzzle into his neck. He looked down at Arthur and he looked adorable. Merlin couldn't find it in himself to wake him up or pull away. So he just stayed put. Besides the king didn't have any meetings until the afternoon.

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