Angry Merlin

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This is an off-the-cuff sort of thing so if it is bad I truly apologize!🥲😔🤚
AU: proper Merlin? (You will soon understand)


Arthur's pov
Merlin had never in his entire time in Camelot called me by my first name. He called me 'your majesty', 'sire', 'my liege', 'my prince', etc... and when he was annoyed he called me things like, 'your prattleyness', 'my dunderhead', etc... you get the point he called me everything on earth that he could call me except for by my own freaking name.

So yeah I was kind of annoyed. I wanted so bad to hear the sound of my name roll off of his tongue. But I didn't exactly know how to broach the subject with him without coming off as weird. Like honestly would you feel comfortable going up to your good friend and begging (like literally begging) for them to say your first name? NO!!! NEVER!!!

So here I will sit and wait for weeks if not months for Merlin to say my name just once to my face.


3rd pov
Well little did Arthur know he was going to get his wish very soon when he went on an unsuspecting adventure to a nearby village.

It was just Merlin and Arthur on this mission and they were going to a small town called Spoons (I'm making sh@t upppppp bear with me here) and the two of them were checking into a tavern/inn establishment to spend the week in the town and complete their mission.

Their mission was to help the people of the town financially and physically to restore the damage done during a particularly windy and snowy winter. But it was too late to do any work yet so they decided to start the next morning.

The lady in the inn was trying to give the two of them a master suite because Arthur is the prince of Camelot and the only reason Arthur did not want this suite was because there was only one bed in it and Arthur needed two beds, one for himself and one for Merlin.

The two had been bickering for just shy of thirty minutes and Merlin was getting very fed up with it. He had had a long week and all this screaming about rooms was like nails on a chalkboard to his head.

It took those thirty minutes but Merlin finally snapped. He walked up to the two of them and took the key the lady was holding from her and told her that they will take the masters' suite and thanked her for her time and effort.

Them Merlin grabbed his bag and Arthur's bag flung them both over his shoulders and then swiftly grabbed Arthur's ear in a pinch and dragged him complaining to their room.

The lady was correct in her calculations of one bed in the suite but they would make do with Merlin most likely sleeping on the floor while Arthur was on the bed but Merlin was prepared to make that sacrifice.

But since he was here Arthur decided to get himself ready for bed. He sat on the bed his back facing Merlin. But all the while he was unpacking he grumbled like an angry toddler and this was also getting on Merlin's nerves.

So when Arthur called Merlin over to help him change and get ready for bed, he slowly got on the bed, kneeling, and shuffled over to Arthur on his knees.

Arthur did not see anything unusual about this and swiftly handed a hairbrush to Merlin behind him because that was what he needed help with. Arthur had taken a tumble on the ride their and messed up his pristine hair in the process.

Merlin took the brush and started working on untangling Arthur's hair. Arthur was relatively quiet and Merlin was enjoying the comfortable silence until...

"Ow! Merlin be careful, you don't have to pull my hair out!" The prince snapped and that was the breaking point for his manservant as it would soon become apparent.

Merlin swiftly grabbed Arthur's chin from where he was behind him and forcefully moved Arthur's head back so that they could be eye to eye.

"Arthur Pendragon I swear to all that is holy if you yell one more time on this trip I will drop you dead in your boots before you can say hello to Jesus." He said it in a low and menacing tone through gritted teeth and with a harsh grip on the royal's face. But nonetheless he said it, he said Arthur's name.

Arthur was in such a shock he went silent and shut his mouth tightly, while he processed the most recent events. Merlin too took a moment to process, a much shorter moment than his knight of course and immediately started thinking that he was going to be thrown in the dungeon and never heard from again.

And with his realization Merlin frantically scooted over on the bed until he got to the edge and then got up and quickly started his thoroughly practiced apology.

"I am so sorry my liege! I don't know what came over me. I swear I will never do that again. Please don't put me in the dun-"

His words were cut off by the now fully recovered Arthur. "say it again." He whispered."

"Say what again sire?" Merlin asked, confused because he thought the prince would be mad.

"my name, say my name." Arthur said with a look of desperation previously unknown to Merlin.

"Sire I don't think that's-" But Merlin was once again cut off.

This time Merlin was cut off by the once and future king himself standing and grabbing his arms while looking fiercely into his eyes.

"Say my name" he sounded desperate and demanding.

Merlin had no idea where this had come from. But he wasn't going to deny his master twice so he deflated and went against his own personal policy.

"Arthur..." that was all the man needed to hear. And in the next second he had grabbed a hold on Merlin and hugged him for dear life. He shuffled back still holding the warlock and flopped back onto the bed, pulling Merlin with him. And when all of this was done Arthur buried his face into Merlin's chest and relaxed.

"Si- Arthur... what is this about? Why is it so important to you that I say your name all of a sudden? I mean it's not like I don't like saying it bu-" Arthur cut him off once again this time by placing his lips on Merlin's.

Merlin's eyes widened, was this really happening? And a few seconds later Arthur pulled back himself and looked into Merlin's eyes.

"The reason I want you to say my name so bad is because you are the most important person in my life. It was getting increasingly harder and harder for me to never hear you address me personally. I don't like being called all that fancy stuff by you. I want to be called Arthur by you, I want to be your Arthur." The prince had said all he had wanted to say and was now just contentedly cuddling with his manservant.

It took Merlin a minute but when the shock wore off he slowly wrapped his arms around his Arthur's waist.

"my Arthur." He whispered and finally closed his eyes falling into a comfortable sleep in the prince's arms.


Okay so it wasn't as bad as I thought it was gonna be, YaY!!!

If you have any suggestions just comment or contact me and I will most likely write it. Have a good day/night and I love you so much my lovelies!!!💚

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