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Arthur had had a rough day. And if you asked him that was an understatement but he is the real drama queen here so take whatever he says with a grain of salt.

And because of his particularly foul mood late on this Monday afternoon (mondays am I right?) he had a mad case of the snuggles. This means he wanted cuddles! Right! Now! And who better to ask for those cuddles than his trusty manservant/best friend, Merlin!

Arthur walked into his chambers and took his jacket off hanging it on one of the chairs at his table and then sat down in that same chair to take his boots off. His feet were killing him.

Merlin was near the wardrobe putting away clean clothes and putting dirty clothes in a basket. And as he did so he was quietly humming a tune without a care in the world.

Arthur had decided that this was the perfect time to receive his well deserved cuddles. So he slowly snuck up on poor Merlin and hugged him around the waist resting his head on the lean man's bony shoulder.

Merlin froze at this sudden contact and abruptly dropped the shirt he was holding. Arthur continued to adjust himself but just couldn't get comfortable. And finally huffing in annoyance at his inability to achieve comfort he decided to drag Merlin to his bed thinking it would be a lot more comfortable in bed.

Merlin on the other hand had absolutely no idea what was going on. All he knew is that suddenly he was being dragged somewhere by his prince who had a strong grasp on his waist.

When Arthur reached the bed he told Merlin to take off his shoes. Which Merlin, admittedly confused, did as though following important orders. Then Arthur grabbed Merlin again and hauled him onto the bed and pulled him to comfortably rest against his chest.

Merlin was still utterly confused and if he was honest a little flabbergasted. "Sire-"

"No. My name is Arthur. And that is what you will call me." Arthur growled.

Okay time to try again Merlin "o-okay.... Arthur...." At this Arthur nuzzled his face into the crook of Merlin's neck. "What is all of this about?" Merlin finally voiced his question.

Arthur was getting sleepy and his talking was becoming mumbled and practically incomprehensible. "baa- day..... warm cuddlwes..... M-Mine!" And with that very choppy incoherent sentence (if you could even call it that) he had dozed off.

And Merlin, with a face full of fluster he did not know was previously possible, smuggled into the warm squishy arms that were trapping him and fell asleep.


Hello! I hope you enjoyed this! Comment any ideas you have for oneshots and have a beautiful day/night my lovelies!!💚

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