The king's chambers

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⚠️TW: Angst


Walking in the big set of doors the first thing one sees is the table, at which the king would have his breakfast and lunch and dinner on most ordinary days. The pale light coming from the windows highlighted the sturdy table which was covered in a thick layer of dust.

Moving across the room one finds the changing screen and wardrobe, here the king would dress for every day activities and dress up for important occasions. Now the beautifully decorated, hinge connected plates of the screen had grown dull with the passage of time.

Next the king's desk, this is where his majesty himself would sign documents, study for speeches, work through complex peace treaties and many such other kingly duties he inherited with his title. The inkwell was dry and empty. The papers brittle and crumbling. And just like the other table it adorned a thick layer of dust being illuminated by the piercing light from the windows behind it.

The windows, ah the windows, these were made of stained glass and the light that came through them reflected on the floor of the room like thousands of tiny crystals that had been shattered on the ground; the light refracting and reflecting from one piece to another making a wonderful mosaic that looked to be kaleidoscope-esc. The light beams filtering in now seemed pale now. The winter light outside working differently with the colors than the hot summer sun.

Lastly the bed, where the king would rest his head each day to renew his mind for more kingly duties the next. The king loved his bed, he never liked to wake up. And who could blame him the wide expanse of mattress left ample room for comfortably sprawling out. The  big squishy mattress, most would think it impossible to leave. The bed was neatly made, the pillows stacked perfectly orderly. The crimson blanket draped carefully over the pristine white sheets. The frame was now creaky, the mattress not as squishy. And no one had slept there for years, decades even.

He didn't know why he came here. It only hurt him more to see it like this, so life less. So he turned and pulled the large doors shut. As he walked away he felt the hot rivers of salty tears flow down his face as memories of the past played through his mind.

I miss you Arthur.


I am so sorry my loves! I had a horrible idea and this is what it came to. Be sure to tell me how angry you are in the comments. And also comment other ideas for me to write to make it up to you!😘 have a great day/night my lovelies!!!💚

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