Little Merlin

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Arthur's POV
I watched in horror as a magical blast was thrown at Merlin, my Merlin. When the smoke cleared the witch was nowhere it sight but Merlin was, he just seemed smaller than usual. I started running across the field and tripped and right on my face. I groaned and heard a tiny gasp and the quiet thump of footsteps coming toward me but they seemed lighter than usual.

Next thing I knew I was being turned over and someone was looking at me checking for injuries. But when I looked up I didn't see the Merlin I knew I saw a little kid that looked exactly like Merlin. He was about four or five and his ears were as big as ever. He was even more adorable. Finally I get to see you as a kid.
But when that kid spoke if it weren't for the pitch of his voice he would have sounded like an old man.

"Careful now you might have a concussion and your nose looks a little broken I have to get you back to my house so I can treat you, come on up and at 'em. Let's go. Rise and shine sleeping beauty." He said.

When we got to the horses he waited for me to get on one and then hopped on the same one in front of me. I was confused why didn't he just hop on his own horse?

"I'm only four you clotpole, I can't ride by myself yet!"

When we started going he looked confused. "This isn't the way to my house. Where are you taking me?"

"I'm taking you to Camelot. You live there now. You were just hit with a magic blast that de-aged you."

"Are you one of the knights? And am I your servant?"

"Well I guess I am a knight but I'm also the prince and yes you are my servant."

Oh! I am so sorry m'lord I didn't mean to be disrespectful earlier I didn't know..."

"Oh stop you are always like that when you're grown up it makes you more entertaining. But anyway it's fine and you can call me Arthur by the way." I smiled and he still looked skeptical but nodded and we continued.


We went straight in to Gaius' when we got back to Camelot. He said I would be fine just take it easy for a few days. And when he got to Merlin he said the spell would only last a day and sent us off.

I wanted Merlin to stay home because he was a freaking four year old but he said he could do it and was the same stubborn Merlin I had grown to love just in a four year olds body. So we went back to my chambers and he helped me take off the armor while standing on a chair then I went to do some paperwork telling him to make my bed because he didn't have time to before we left.

I heard him mumbling as he set about he said he was going to change the sheets and left with my old sheets held in a hug. When he came back he had a stack of new sheets also held in a hug and climbed up onto my matress with them to dress the bed.

As he was working on the comforter and pillows I heard him faintly giggle. And my heart almost melted at the sound. He clamored around the bed continuously in a fit of giggles.

I had had enough, I walked up slowly behind him and suddenly grabbed him under the arms and swung him onto the bed facing me. He shrieked and giggled more with a face of pure delight. "What's so funny Merlin?" I asked not letting him go.

"Nothing just the comforter tickling me."
"So you're ticklish." I smiled deviously.

"How did you not know that of course I'm ticklish. I might just be the most ticklish person in all the four kingdoms!" He explained.

That was all I needed to hear before I started scribbling my hands all over his middle, making him giggle and cackle in delight.
When I was finally done he was gasping for air. And it was dinnertime.

I asked him to get my dinner and get himself a plate as well and bring them both back here once he calmed down. He did just that and came back. We ate together and he told me what it was like back in Ealdor when he was that age. He told me he got bullied a lot because of his ears and his magic. Which I already knew of and was okay with by the way. (Shut up it's my story go with it!) but unfortunately my father still wasn't so me and the knights Gwen and Gaius all kept his secret hidden from everyone.

When we finished he got the chair ready to stand on to help me get changed and ready for bed. Once he did before he could do anything I picked him up like you would a child, on your hip, and took him over to the bed and tucked him in getting in on the other side myself. He instantly fell asleep but did look like he was about to protest. I did that because I didn't want his soft baby smooth skin to be roughed up by an inadequate bed.


When I woke up I was holding something warm and it was breathing but I didn't panic it seemed to be calming be down if nothing else. I cracked my eyes open and came face to face with a peacefully sleeping Merlin who was back to normal.

His brows furrowed but relaxed as he cuddled into me more. I smiled and gripped him tighter kissing the top of his head and falling back asleep.

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