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This is a hodgepodge of 3 ideas from the picture above. The third was a little off because of the historical setting but I tried to make it work. Also I don't know if these would be related but here you go , enjoy!


They had just gotten back from a council meeting and Arthur was pissed. And Merlin was not being very helpful to the situation if Arthur was being honest. Merlin was extra clumsy today which was starting to seem like it was on purpose, though deep down Arthur knew it wasn't.

On the way to the king's chambers Merlin had stumbled a bit on the stairs, accidentally knocking into Arthur, causing the king to bump into the wall. This seemed to be the king's breaking point as he immediately grabbed Merlin's arm and held it in a tight grip almost hurting him, and dragged him the rest of the way.

Merlin was going to protest but by the time he was prepared to speak they were already in the king's chambers and the king had let him go. But as much as this was a relief to Merlin the problem of Arthur's nasty mood was still very prominent.

Now trying to avoid as much conflict as he could, Merlin decided he was going to take Arthur's armor off the table and leave for the night to clean it and hopefully come back to his king in a more amicable mood tomorrow (well as much of an amicable mood as there can be as being awoken by a manservant at the ass crack of dawn). But it was late and Merlin was very tired so his attempt at a quick retreat was quickly thwarted by the loud clang of metal against the cold stone floor.

Merlin went to pick up his mess and say his apologies and quickly resume his retreat to Gaius' chambers where he could hopefully escape the king's inevitable wrath. But apparently Arthur had other plans.

The young pendragon swiftly turned on his heel and bee-lined to Merlin. And just as Merlin was processing what the king was doing he felt him grab his collar and pull their faces mere inches apart.

Arthur looked Merlin directly in the eyes and stated, "you are a clumsy, dunderhead and you are so VERY ANNOYING, COULD YOU JUST STOP FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE AND THINK ABOUT YOUR ACTIONS BEFORE YOU INEVITABILITY JUST BUMBLE AROUND AND MESS EVERYTHING UP?!" By the end of his rant Arthur was yelling and getting very frustrated.

Merlin knew that the king didn't mean to say any of what he had said but he still let it get to him, "IF YOU THINK SO LITTLE OF ME, THEN WHY- mmnhf" his sentence was cut off by the king slamming his lips onto his own.

Merlin soon reciprocated the kiss but could not match the intensity of Arthur's movements. Arthur's hands were firmly gripped to Merlin's hips and were keeping Merlin from moving away. While Merlin was holding on to Arthur's shoulders for dear life.

But as the kiss continued Arthur became less desperate and more gentle. Merlin appreciated this as his lips were now intensely bruised from the force of the other's passion. Merlin started to card his fingers through the other's hair as he was calming down not used to the intensity of emotion.

And now Arthur had gotten his anger out he really just wanted to cuddle, so he dragged a dazed Merlin to his bed and dragged him down with him onto the bed where they both fell asleep quietly and peacefully.


The days were finally getting to Merlin, his days and nights were starting to blur together as he never slept anyway. Merlin was starting to wonder if Arthur had noticed, he usually didn't but this was going on for much longer than it usually does.

Well Merlin has been having nightmares, nightmares about his mom dying and him not being there and her feeling abandoned and in some he would go to Ealdor and stay with his mom but then Arthur would die while he was gone and would feel betrayed and alone while he died.

So instead of letting these dreams haunt his nights and feeling like crap because of them, Merlin decided that he was going to cut sleep out of his schedule entirely (brilliant I know right?). So instead of using his magic to do chores at night in order to get them done in time for bed, Merlin did every chore by hand which left no room for sleep.

But one fatal flaw in this plan was Arthur was bound to notice at some point. And after almost two weeks of this Arthur did notice. Merlin was. Constantly exhausted and could be blown over by a light breeze or even a harsh look in his general direction.

So Arthur took it upon himself to help the poor boy. As Merlin walked into the king's chambers for the day the king was already awake (unbeknownst to him in the moment) and ready to carry out his plan which was help Merlin (rightfully named so after much deliberation on the choice of title).

As Merlin walked past the bed Arthur quickly pulled back onto the bed with him and asked him what was wrong. This brought little response but soon the tears that had welled in Merlin's eyes and soon started to spill over and roll down his cheeks. Soon quiet sobs were heard from the younger boy.

All Arthur could do was hold the boy close to his chest as he was helpless in helping him. He pressed many kisses to his temple and just held him. That was all Merlin really needed at that moment and Arthur was more than willing to give it to him.


They were on a camping trip and Merlin was helping Arthur get ready for bed. The king had a tent that Merlin was currently helping furnish with a bed roll.

Soon the king himself came into the tent and told Merlin that all the knights were off to bed on their own bedrolls and that Merlin should do the same.

But before he did Merlin pulled the king in for a goodnight kiss and it was greatly appreciated. They had had a long day and were both very exhausted but this kiss was rejuvenating for them both. Soon Arthur was sat on top of his bed roll with Merlin in his lap and they were giving each other feather light kisses as they had slowed down because of sleepiness.

When they finally broke apart the king demanded that Merlin get his bed roll and bring it into his tent so he could sleep next to him. Merlin happily obliged more that willing to be in his king's arms more.


Hello my lovelies! If you could comment any ideas you have for stories that would be greatly appreciated and have a wonderful day/night! I love you all!!!

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