An alternate ending to Balinor

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⚠️TW!: slight gore (for my standards), and character death!!!


Third Pov:
It was done. The bandit had landed his shot. And the arrow intended for Merlin was buried an inch and a half in his father's chest. Balinor gasps loudly as he starts to stumble backward. Merlin rushed forward catching his father in his arms.

As the life slowly fades from Balinor's eyes Merlin screams in anger. He had just found his dad. Why did the world take away all of the things that make him happy? His magic came alive as he screamed in agony and the attacker was blasted back his head making a wicked thump against a tree trunk and then a sickening crack on a rock, he is dead too.

Merlin is unaware of his surroundings. He is so mad at the world. He has to do so much for the world and the second he finds an ounce of happiness it's ripped from his finger tips.

His dad was dead, he could feel it. His blood was no longer pumping through his body, his chest was no longer rising and falling. Merlin was mad.

He pulled himself up from the ground and ran to the dead assailant pouncing on him and using his already bloody hands to hit him. Blinded by his rage he yelled and yelled until his voice was hoarse for the world to give him back.

Arthur's Pov:
The bandits came from seemingly nowhere. I got separated from Balinor and Merlin, I hoped that Balinor was protecting Merlin or that Merlin was safely hidden somewhere. Finally all of the bandits around me were dead. I should find the others.

Then there was a loud scream coming from my left. Oh no I need to find them maybe they weren't able to defeat the bandits. But then the scream stopped, I wasn't relieved though if anything the deafening silence seemed worse than the high pitched noise.

I started to walk cautiously in the direction of the scream. Not going too fast as to not startle any still alive bandits. But then there was more yelling, and it sounded distressed.

Picking up the pace I started to run in the direction of the yelling. And came upon a small clearing with three figures in it one of which was creating the god awful yelling.

Looking at the figure closest to me I found Balinor, staring up at the sky unblinking and bleeding into a growing puddle on the ground. This was not good.

I continued to scan the area finding the other two figures a few feet away. One of them was laying limp on the ground his skull cracked open like a horrible egg and the other was sitting hunched over on top of him.

I cautiously took two more steps toward the hunched over form. "Merlin?" I whispered, squinting my eyes to try and see the face of the shaking man in front of me.

Slowly he got up and turned toward me. He looked up and I saw his face which had blood spattered across it and looking at the rest of him wasn't much better. His once blue shirt was turning a dark maroon and his hands were drenched in blood. Whether the blood was from Balinor or the bandit I couldn't tell.

Third Pov:
The two men stood facing each other. Arthur wanted desperately to reach out and grab Merlin to comfort his and get him cleaned up.

Merlin of the other hand was afraid, afraid that he would lash out at Arthur afraid that he would never be able to go back from that moment.

Arthur decided to take the first step. He reached toward Merlin and grabbed his shoulder causing the man to flinch. But he was not afraid and he kept going pulling the warlock closer until he could wrap him up in his arms securely against his chest.

By the time he got there Merlin was crying harder and he buried his face in the prince's shoulder sobbing loudly.

"Shh shh," Arthur reassured, "it's all right, what happened? Are you hurt anywhere?" Arthur was not happy about Balinor's death but seeing his best friend so broken up about it was worrying.

After a few desperate gasps of air Merlin found the words to respond to Arthur, "The-the bandits attacked and they were shooting crossbows... he saved me.. that arrow was intended for me." Merlin said looking down. "I don't think I'm hurt." He mumbled lastly and leaned further into Arthur.

Arthur nods to himself and picks up the tired servant cradling his head close to his body and carries him to the small creek just down the hill. Merlin barely stirs as the prince washes his face of the darkening blood.

After cleaning Merlin up Arthur gently places him on a sleeping pad and covers him with his cape. Even though the servant said he was uninjured Arthur found his knuckles to be darkly bruised under the layer of sticky dark blood.

They would have to talk more in the morning but for now Merlin slept peacefully by the fire. As long as Merlin was asleep he was not crying and for now that was enough for Arthur, he would say no man is worth Merlin's tears. Because whatever man made his Merlin cry was a dead man walking, and Merlin deserved so much better than that.


I wanted to write a good ending to no 'no man is worth your tears' and I think this is so much better!

Thank you so much for reading and don't forget to comment any new ideas you want me to write on. And have a good day/night my lovelies!! Love you!💚

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