Little Arthur

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As the smoke cleared from the massive explosion that took place mere moments ago, Merlin coughed roughly to clear his lungs of the foul tasting air. And slowly started to open his eyes, having closed them to prevent blindness.

At this point he was just glad to be alive. That is until he realized that he had lost the one person he needed to live. He started frantically shouting for the royal. And not getting an initial response made him worry and start running around the battlefield in search of his king.

His search seemed futile at first as he could not find Arthur or anybody else (they ran away shhhh) and he was rapidly starting to lose hope. 'The explosion was really massive, maybe he... no I can't think like that.' Merlin thought, and continued his search.

He made his way over to where a barn had stood before the chaos and started checking the rubble, maybe he got trapped here. And as he came closer to the back he saw a small lump of cloth.

He rushed to it thinking it was a child (it was far too small to be Arthur) and when he lifted the cover he found a small, bruised and bloodied boy. Luckily the boy was unconscious so he hopefully wasn't feeling any pain. But to Merlin his albeit unkempt hair was a beautiful golden color just like his best friend's.

But disregarding the similarities of the two he swiftly picked the boy up and brought him to the castle where Gaius was tending to the wounded.

When Merlin walked in with the boy many servants rushed to him to get the boy on a bed and to get Merlin to at least sit down. Saying "Gaius will be with you shortly." And Merlin waited, right beside the boy. He was sure that this boy had something to do with Arthur, maybe he knew where the king was.

💚💚💚time skip

When the boy woke up the first thing he did was look at Gaius, and of course he recognized him (he's been with him all his life guys). "Gaius? What happened? My head hurts." He talked in a slightly high pitch which would have been expected for a child of his age.

"You have been wounded in a battle but do not worry, everything is taken care of and everybody is safe sire." Gaius responded, and handed him some medicine for his headache.

"Wait... 'sire?', Gaius... are you telling me that is Arthur?" Merlin sounded deeply perplexed. How had this happened? Was the wizard they were fighting really that powerful?

"What do you mean, 'is that Arthur?', of course I am! Who else would I be?" The young prince yelled getting easily aggravated. And in the midst of him asking this commoner why he was doubting his position he looked to Gaius for help.

Gaius understood the boys questioning look and tried his best to explain the situation. "My liege you seem to have been turned into a child by a wizard who attacked us. You see to us you are a young adult, not a seven year old."

"Seven-and-a-half! Thank you very much!" Arthur shouted he seemed unperturbed by the information of a wizard attacking his kingdom.

💚💚💚time skip (sorry)

Merlin was walking Arthur back to his chambers, and asking him random questions that he knew adult Merlin would not answer.

"Are you afraid of magic users?" The servant asked.

At this question the boy looked taken aback. "Well... not exactly? I think it is pretty cool but my dad begs to differ." Arthur seemed content with this answer and Merlin hoped that that answer had remained the same through to adulthood. "Actually! On a different subject. Who are you? And why are you important to bigger me?" The question was sudden and Merlin was not ready for it.

"Uhm, why do you ask?" Merlin questioned.

"Well I don't have a manservant at the moment because my dad wants me to be 'independent' or whatever. But that is beside the point. Really what I wanted to know is why you are walking me to my chambers? I can walk there myself just fine." Arthur explained his question very well. Merlin was starting to wonder where his friend's brain cells had gone as he grew up.

"Oh! Well in the future I am your manservant, you do get one eventually. I also am led to believe that I am somewhat your friend although older you might fight me on that." Merlin explained and the young boy nodded looking down.

Then the boy looked up and Merlin swore he could drop dead then and there because this has got to be the cutest thing ever. Arthur looked up. And Merlin was met with practical stars in the royal's eyes. "I-I get friends? Like real ones? Not just people who are payed to play with me?" The boy looked overjoyed at the simple concept of having a real friend. And his eyes started selling with tears he was so happy.

But at the sight of his tears Merlin was frozen. Did he say something wrong? Why was he crying? But before Merlin could continue his line of thought, Arthur jumped on him and hugged him all four of his limbs wrapped tightly around Merlin's torso.

"Thank you for being my friend." Arthur cried into his shoulder.

Merlin just patted the boys back soothingly and held the small boy close to his chest. "always"


Okay don't really know where I was going with that, but I thought it was cute! As always remember to comment any ideas you would like me to write and have a lovely day/night my lovelies!!💚

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