Screaming amazement

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In a crisis where Merlin is in constant mental pain and can't handle it, Arthur is there, Merlin pushes through anyway stunning Arthur.
It was a spur of the moment always is with this book.


He gasped as he fell to his knees there was an ear splitting scream being broadcast straight into his brain. The attacker was coming. He would be safe in Arthur's chambers. He was literally right outside the door.

He couldn't take it anymore, he let out a blood curdling scream of his own jolting Arthur awake (it was the middle of the night), Arthur woke with a start at the scream but still instantly recognized it, Merlin, he quickly slammed his door open and ran to Merlin falling to his knees and gathering Merlin in his arms trying to protect him from all harm.

Merlin was just starting to cuddle up to Arthur when he felt the presence of his attacker come down the hall. He immediately shot up and out of Arthur's arms surprising the king.

"Stay back!" Merlin's voice sounded heavy and commanding. Arthur did as he was told not wanting to make Merlin mad.

Suddenly a tall hooded figure rounded the corner. Arthur wanted to protect Merlin but was waiting for Merlin to tell him he could move. The figure had a devious smirk and looked straight into Merlin's eyes and they flashed gold. A second later Merlin's hands grabbed at his head and he started convulsing violently. Suddenly he calmed and there was a beat of silence then the hooded figure's eyes widened in horror.

"Arthur, cover your ears" Merlin cautioned. Arthur did and in the next second Merlin took a big breath and let out the most ear splitting, bone shaking scream ever heard in all the four kingdoms. The hooded figure was gone, the window was shattered. When the guards found the wizard he had blood seeping from his ears.

Arthur was in awe of Merlin. He had just defeated this sorcerer with one scream. A nasty scream at that. But as Arthur looked over to Merlin to praise him he saw him sway. And rushed to catch him. Merlin fell right into Arthur's arms and blushed furiously, smiling at the king.

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