The bath

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Summary: Reincarnated Arthur wants to take a bath.


"I want to take a bath!" Arthur told Merlin. And honestly it made sense, spending 1000+ years in a lake you would probably smell rank at best.

"Okay, Arthur, follow me." Merlin responded and started to make his way down a small hallway with four doors branching off of it. There were two to the left, one to the right and another doorway at the very end of the corridor.

Arthur followed Merlin down the small walkway and followed again when Merlin turned into the first door on the left. They entered into a washroom and Arthur beheld a long tub with a curtain hanging around it.

"Technology has changed a lot since you were last here so things will be different. But it is now very easy to take a shower!" Merlin explained when Arthur looked utterly perplexed at the modern appliance.

"Okay, so how do you... use it?" Arthur asked still looking mildly concerned at the lack of buckets of water.

"I think for your first time I will do the water part for you. That would be easiest seeing as you still know how to wash yourself." Merlin started. "Okay, Arthur, strip and step in the tub!"

Arthur looked at Merlin oddly but did as he was told.

When Arthur had stepped in the tub Merlin pulled the curtain across the expanse of the tub and leaned over on the edge near the faucet.

Arthur was confused at this, "okay Merlin I'm in the tub but how am I supposed to take a shower with no water?"

"Gimme a second geez Arthur you are so impatient, that is something I did not miss at all." Merlin sighed exasperated and told Arthur to step back from the faucet and turned it on.

And the smile that spread across his face was undeniable as Arthur jumped and screamed like an arachnophobe seeing a spider the size of their hand. He was now standing at the very end of the tub looking at the water gushing out of the wall with eyes the size of dinner plates.

Merlin chuckled at the state of his king and beckoned him over saying, "it's not going to hurt you. I need you to help me with the temperature of the water."

Arthur hesitantly stepped over to the faucet and stuck his hand under the warm current of water. "Oh my gosh!" He whispered, "it's creating warm water!" Arthur was astonished at the revelation of heated water coming out of a faucet. Merlin could tell that having Arthur back would be fun because of his lack of modern technology. "And this is not sorcery?" Arthur clarified looking to Merlin for confirmation.

"Nope not sorcery! Just water pressure and central heating!" Merlin replied ever a cheery soul. "Now is that a good temperature for a bath?"

"Yeah" Arthur responded getting ready to sit down in the tub.

"Oh! Actually Arthur, would you like to take a shower instead?"

"What is a shower?" Arthur asked looking perplexed.

"A shower is like a bath but standing up. The water will come out of this," Merlin pointed to the shower head, "and you stay standing to wash yourself!" Merlin thought he did very well for his first time explaining a piece of modded technology to a medieval person.

"That does sound interesting. I would like to try it!" Arthur responded and Merlin nodded pulling the plug up and watching he water start to come from the top shower head.

Arthur was not truly prepared for what Merlin meant by, 'the water will come out of the top,' because he jumped again. This time he jumped onto Merlin's hunched over form leaning over into the shower.

Merlin stiffened and steadied himself so as to not fall in the tub fully clothed. "Arthur! It's not going to hurt you! Now here is the soap for your body and here is the soap for your hair." Merlin pointed to the bottles of body wash and shampoo, "I will be back in a moment I have to go get you some fresh clothes and a towel."

Arthur nodded grabbing one of the bottles as Merlin left the bathroom. After grabbing what he needed Merlin returned and asked, "how's it going in there Arthur?" Merlin asked concerned at the amount of silence coming from the prat.

"This is so cool Merlin! The water is coming from above! And it's warm!" Arthur sounded very excited and Merlin was happy that something so simple could make his king happy.

A few minutes later Arthur told Merlin that he was done. Merlin leaned down again and turned off the water. He then stood up and handed the towel to Arthur around the curtain.


Later when Arthur is dressed.
Merlin and Arthur were getting ready for bed. Arthur asked Merlin to sit next to him. "Everything is so different, a lot of it is super cool but it is also scary because I feel like I have no control." Arthur confided in Merlin and Merlin responded by wrapping the king in his arms and pulling him close.

"I understand, but that's why I'm here. To help you get through the scary bits." Merlin smiled as Arthur hugged him back.


Hello! I had inspiration! Also I need to repent for mu previous angst sins so here have some modern merthur! Remmember to comment any ideas you want me to write about and have a great day/night! Love you my lovelies!!💚

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