Touch me!!!

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Arthur stared in anger looking between Merlin and Gwen. The space between them was limited by the castle hallway and they were continuously touching each other with no reason in particular. i.e. touching each other's arm, bumping shoulders, high fiving, etc.

Arthur didn't know why he was angry but he was and he thought confronting Merlin about it would help him in some way. So he waited until the group had arrived at his chambers. Then Gwen said her goodbyes and took her leave.

The instant she left Arthur slumped onto his bed and felt like he was going to cry. And he almost did but stopped himself because Merlin was still present. 'Maybe I shouldn't confront him, I mean it's obvious he wouldn't like me so why keep him from the one he loves?' Arthur tried to reason with himself, and hurt his own feelings in the process.

And although the king tried to hide his emotions, Merlin was pretty darn good at picking up on the royal's..... ~Vibe~ if you will. And noticing his king's down mood he quickly turned and rushed to him thinking something was wrong. And whatever was wrong, be it he hurt himself in training with the brand new set of knights (unlikely) or something someone said hurt his feelings (unlikely but he is my smol bean and I will protecc), Merlin was prepared to comfort the strong, brave, handsome and perfect man in front of him.

But as he came over the king looked at him with dull, glassy eyes that seemed to be holding back buckets of tears. And Merlin knew instantly that he had messed up somehow.

"Hey. What's wrong? Come on my liege, just tell me what is wrong. Do you need some time alone? Do you need a hug?.... You can cry if you want to. I won't judge you at all." Merlin's words came out in a quiet whisper, almost too quiet to hear.

But Arthur heard him clearly enough. And tried his best to respond while still keeping his tears at bay. "M-Merlin I.... Don't call me that ever again. Call me Arthur!" The king looked visibly upset and was gradually getting worse at hiding what he truly felt.

"O-okay... umm, Arthur, can I get you anythi-" Merlin had started to say while he was going to reach out and place a comforting hand on the man's shoulder. But before he did he hesitated and got cut off by the very one he was trying to comfort.

"Stop hesitating! Just!.... Just touch me!" Arthur nearly yelled. And as he did so he grabbed Merlin's hand and pulled him over to him.

And of course like the cliché Merlin fell on top of him on the bed. And because of the outburst, Merlin was stunned (the woman was too stunned to speak) into silence. But as Merlin was processing the previous events, Arthur was getting impatient.

Arthur hugged Merlin closer to himself and buried his face in the crook between his neck and shoulder, then he breathed in the calming scent of his manservant like it was a lifeline. And as soon as Merlin came out of his stupor he hugged back and buried his face in Arthur's hair.


I'm sorry the ending was bad but it is what it is my dude. Remember to comment any ideas you may have and have a lovely day/night my lovelies!!💚

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