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I am starting to love Quinvin so much! So here is some info about Quinvin.


🩵🩵🩵(yes! They have different hearts)

Calvin Boorson
Age: 30
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: bisexual
Likes: black olives, grape juice, playing jacks
Dislikes: loud noises, wet socks, rhubarb pie
Desc: he is generally quiet and doesn't like to initiate a fight but he will finish one if he needs to.

Quincy Galigan
Age: 32
Pronouns: he/him/they
Sexuality: Gay/Homosexual (he loves ✨men✨)
Likes: rhubarb pie, playing dice, home cooked meals
Dislikes: black olives, when his feet hurt from standing for too long, and assholes who don't hold up their end of the deal (it's a long story)
Desc: they always love standing up for his boyfriend who is quiet, he usually starts fights that Calvin ends up finishing.

And yes Calvin gives Quincy his rhubarb pie while Quincy gives their olives to Calvin. (I planned it!)


There will be some Quinvin content coming! Definitely in longer oneshots! Don't forget to comment any ideas you want me to write in oneshots! And have an awesome day! Love you my lovelies!!💚

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