Sleepover troubles

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Modern AU, no magic, characters are in elementary school.
Leon, Morgana, and Arthur -siblings
Percy and Gwaine -best friends
Merlin and Arthur -best friends
Elyan and Gwen -siblings
Lancelot and Gwaine -siblings
Gwen, Merlin, Lancelot -trouble triple
Gwen and Morgana - best friends

Leon 3rd grade
Lancelot 3rd grade
Gwen 2nd grade
Arthur 1st grade
Merlin 1st grade
Gwaine 1st grade
Percy 1st grade
Elyan 1st grade
Morgana 2nd grade
Gaius teaches 1st grade
Geoffrey teaches 2nd grade
Kilgharrah teaches 3rd grade

Sleepover at Leon and Arthur's house
Gwen and Morgana will not be at the sleepover but they will be mentioned. Also Uther is a good father and Ygraine is still alive! Also Balinor is married to Hunith.


"Mom!" Arthur yelled from down the hall and held out the o for emphasis.

And hearing his cry Uther smiled where he was in the kitchen helping with dinner. Ygraine sighed putting her spoon down and making her was toward their son's room.

When she got to the end of the hallway she cracked open the door and looked in finding her sons and their friends sat in a circle around an array of toys. Most of the boys were still playing. Merlin was playing sorcerer and knight with Gwaine. Leon was playing a fierce game of farming and cops (don't ask) with Lancelot and Elyan.

She smiled and at last looked at Arthur, who seemed to have come from playing sorcerer and knights with Gwaine and Merlin. Arthur was looking at her expectantly and she chuckled a little.

"Mooooom! What are you laughing at?!" He exclaimed.

"Oh nothing," she said, "do you boys need anything?" Her tone was still filled to the brim with amusement.

Arthur huffed and crossed his arms. "Can we have some snacks?" He mumbled looking down.

"Dinner will be ready soon, so no. We will call you when it's ready." She smiled at the scene one last time before she softly shut the door and made her way back to her husband.


"She said no, dinner is soon anyway." Arthur regurgitated the statement looking slightly sad as he plopped down on the carpet criss-cross-applesauce.

The other boys looked up at him from their games and some laughed at his antics, especially Leon. You see Arthur had been bouncing off the walls with excitement for the past two weeks over this sleepover because it was the first time that he got to have Merlin over since they became friends.

It was hardly two weeks into first grade when Arthur had declared Merlin as his 'bestest friend ever in the whole world' but with Merlin's hectic schedule as the new team lead in drawing club and Arthur with all of his football (soccer) practice, it was a wonder that they finally got to have a sleepover.

The boys kept on playing, they eventually combined their two games and made one big game that they called "myths and magic" which consisted of Arthur, Leon, Gwaine, and Merlin going around the highlands of England saving princesses and farmers. The princesses they concluded were Gwen and Morgana; and the farmers were Elyan and Lancelot who just kept moving cows and sheep around a red barn, this was called 'herding' as Lancelot had told Elyan who immediately wanted to try.

And soon it was time for dinner and Arthur who had begged for food was groaning in frustration at having to leave their very involved game. But he was hungry so they all got up and went to the dinner table.

Dinner was a lovely stew that the boys heartily ate with a helping of cornbread. When dinner was finnished the boys thanked Mrs. Pendragon and Arthur asked if they could watch a movie.

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