Who hurt you?

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It has happened a couple times now and was starting to worry Arthur. You see Merlin would go missing for a day and then the next day he would be back like nothing happened running about the castle and doing all of his chores for Arthur.

Arthur was getting sick of it he needed to know why Merlin went missing. So one day, when Merlin was missing, Arthur stormed into Gaius' chambers late at night when he thought Merlin would be coming back from wherever he had been the previous day.

What he found he did not like. He did not find Merlin and Gaius asleep in bed he found Merlin with his back to the door being treated by Gaius. But it wasn't some minor wounds that were being treated no these were full on whip marks. Gaius was talking quietly to Merlin, and Arthur strained to hear. He did not like what he heard. "You can't keep letting them do this to you Merlin." The second Arthur heard that he was livid. Whoever was doing this to Merlin was going to pay.

After seeing Merlin's injuries Arthur expected Merlin to take a day off. But the next morning in came Merlin clumsy as ever with a bright smile and a 'rise and shine!'

Arthur got moving surprisingly quickly that morning Merlin didn't have to drag him out of bed or anything.

Arthur was up immediately and rushed to Merlin first hugging him gently being sure to not hurt his back, then he asked a very important question "who is hurting you" he said it with a dark possessive tone. Merlin was confused "who did what? I don't know what you're talking about Arthur" Arthur gripped his shoulders a little tighter still being careful not to hurt Merlin. "I know you got hurt while you were gone yesterday and I saw those whip marks on your back. I need to know who hurt you because no one lives to tell the tale of how they hurt something that is mine." He said it through gritted teeth still having a glint of possession in his eye.

Merlin took a step back, what was his? Did he mean his servant? Or something more? He quickly pushed those aside and responded to Arthur "you don't need to worry about me. I can take care of myself and I'm all good now. I'm sorry I was gone yesterday now if you could give me today's and yesterday's work I'm a little behind." He tried to walk away but was stopped by a warm pair of arms surrounding his middle. He sighed. Then he was suddenly turned around and a face was buried in his neck.

He looked down and asked Arthur to look up. When Arthur did you could see the tears streaming down his face and the sadness in his eyes. "You don't think I care... Merlin you mean the world to me I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you. I need you. I want you. I love you" he sputtered and buried his face in Merlin's neck yet again.

It was then that Merlin started crying "I love you too!" Tangling his hands in Arthur's hair.
Arthur quickly looked up in surprise and said barely over a whisper. "Say it again" as more tears gathered in his eyes.

Merlin cupped Arthur's cheeks and brought his face close to his saying a quick 'I love you' and then his lips were pressed strongly to Arthur's. And Arthur fell in love with the taste of Merlin. If he didn't know he loved Merlin before he would now.

Arthur quickly rushed to lock the doors and tell the guard's to cancel all of his plans for that day.

When he rushed back to Merlin he asked if Merlin would take off his shirt and tell him what every scar meant and who gave it to him. Merlin slowly agreed and sat Arthur down on the bed and soon joined him.

He took off his shirt and Arthur immediately gasped he didn't see the front last night and it was way worse than the back.

Arthur wanted to kiss all of the scars away. And cuddle Merlin till everyone just went away.

He asked what each one meant and who gave it to him and when Merlin finished he kissed it and moved on to the next.

By the time he was done Merlin was a blushing mess and Arthur thought it adorable.

Arthur pulled Merlin to his chest and laid back in the bed pulling the covers over both of them. Ready to take a nap with his new boyfriend.

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