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I can't find the episode, but there is an episode where Arthur accidentally chokes Merlin against a wall and this is based on that!



Third Pov
Merlin thinks he may know where the fugitive is hiding and he needs to find Arthur right away. He runs down the outer corridor till he can see Arthur's men and at the sight of his large group of men, Merlin picks up his pace.

"Arthu-" his words get cut off by the prince harshly grabbing him with his right hand round the throat and twirling with him writhing in his hand to the wall to his left.

Arthur's eyes are fierce and ready to kill. But then he realizes who he actually has pinned to the wall.

Merlin is being held a few inches off the ground and is holding on to Arthur's wrist trying to pry his fingers off of his throat. There is an angry look in Merlin's eyes as well. (Well ya did just throw him around like a rag doll you clot pole!)

Arthur finally snapped out of his stupor and let Merlin go. Merlin fell to the ground and put his hand up to his bruised neck as he leaned down and wheezed while massaging the tender muscles of his neck. Arthur brought a hand up to Merlin's back and wiped away the dirt from the wall off of his servant's back then patted his back harshly causing Merlin to let out a hoarse cough.

Merlin finally gathered himself and stood tall once again turning to Arthur with sharp eyes and saying, "I know where the fugitive is, I think,"


It had been a few weeks since this encounter and Merlin has been avoiding Arthur's hands like the plague (too soon?).

But today was not his lucky day. He was dressing Arthur in his armor for training and Arthur suddenly stuck his hand out for Merlin to put the cuff around it.

Merlin flinched at the sudden movement but threw his fear away quickly, he had bigger things to deal with right now.

But when Arthur flung his second arm out to receive a cuff, he was a little too quick and far too close to Merlin's face.

The next thing Arthur knew he was facing to his right and his left cheekbone was throbbing. Merlin had punched him.

Arthur's anger flared and Merlin had a look of fear in his eyes, his hands came up to protect his face and he hunched over to make his figure smaller. Arthur's anger left him as he saw the state of his servant.

Did he really think he would hit him back? Merlin hit him hard, sure, but Arthur had been hurt much worse.

"Merlin, why did you hit me?" Arthur asked the question with genuine curiosity, he was not mad just confused.

"I'm sorry m'lord, I will not do it again" Merlin responded in a quiet voice.

"It didn't hurt, Merlin. Just tell me why." (Ain't nothin but a heart ache) Arthur sounded more confused, where had his sarcastic, disrespectful servant gone?

Merlin suddenly was finding the ground to be the most interesting spot in the world, he kind of wished that his eyes could dig him a grave to die in, right here and right now. "You scared me Arthur, nothing more."

His tone was flat and Arthur disliked it more than when Merlin was respectful. "But... what did I do to scare you?" Arthur asked.

Merlin but his lip, trying to think of an excuse. But his thoughts kept getting interrupted by his shaking hands, he then realized that his fist which had punched Arthur was still clenched tightly. And Merlin glared daggers at his hand to will it to unravel.

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