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Merlin and the knights all love to cuddle!


Merlin loved to cuddle, that seemed like a very obvious fact to Arthur and the knights. Many times he had been found hugging the arm of Perceval or laying his head on Gwaine's shoulder.

But how would he ask the knights directly to cuddle with him?

1. Perceval
This mission had been a rough one, and Merlin was exhausted, the knights had used him as a decoy to trap some enemies in a ravine. And they were pretty successful but one of the bandits, a pretty young fellow it seemed, had been right on Merlin's heels the whole way chasing him into the ravine and back out, it wasn't until Merlin had run at least two and a half more miles before he started to lose his pace and Merlin (after checking that the coast was clear) had disposed of him.

Then Merlin had to find his way back to the knights where he was greeted with a bunch of worried oafs who, if he was honest, wouldn't be able to find their own backside if it wasn't attached to them. He reassured them of his safety and made dinner at their makeshift camp.

After dinner the knights were setting in for a good night's sleep but Merlin was feeling a bit antsy. His legs couldn't stop buzzing and his feet hurt a lot. He needed something to ground him so he didn't vibrate a hole in the ground. So Merlin stood up and found the most sturdy knight he knew, Perceval.

"Psst. Perceval!" He whispered to the half asleep knight who was reclined on his sleeping mat.

His left eye popped open and focused on the servant's face, "Merls, what do you need?" He slurred his words a bit but overall he was pretty understandable.

It was then that Merlin hesitated, he didn't want Percy to think he was weak and definitely didn't want him thinking he was weird.

Merlin was about to say 'nevermind' and turn around on his own mat when the knight spoke up. "Merlin, just tell me what you need. You did a lot today and we are all tired so just tell me."

Merlin realized that he was right and decided just to ask, "Can you hold me?"

"What?" The knight asked, clearly this was not what Perceval was expecting.

"Like a hug. I need something to ground me." Merlin explained to the clearly confused knight.

Ohh, yeah! Of course, come here!" Perceval lifted the blanket that was usually wrapped around his shoulders to make room for the scrawny servant.

Merlin shuffled over and gently laid his head on Perceval's chest. Once they were evenly covered by the blanket Percy put his arm around Merlin's back and Merlin slowly drifted off to sleep as his body soaked in the heat radiating off of the large knight.

Thime skip! ~morning~

Merlin did not want to wake up. He was comfortable and warm. But the sun's rays were not so forgiving and he woke up unwillingly. Perceval who was under him soon stirred and instinctively pulled him closer as if to protect him.

Merlin smiled and leaned into the bigger man seeking the warmth of sleep. But this comfortable moment did not last long as he heard the whispers of the other knights around him.

He finally decided to open his eyes and was met with five curious faces looking down at him. At this Merlin jumped up in embarrassment. He could already feel his face heating up.

"Good to know you two lazy daisies slept well." Arthur quipped as they were preparing their sleeping accoutrements.


2. Elyan
Elyan wasn't usually the touchy feely type and Merlin knew this, but it was so cold and Merlin's mind was craving the warmth and safety of the brother-like man.

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