My new roommate

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This takes place in a modern AU


Merlin's POV
He was really late. And by really late I mean he was more than 30 minutes late to our date. People were starting to give me apologetic looks and I was getting ready to leave.

Just as I took a long sigh, this boy I have never seen in my life comes up to me and sits down. He looked like he was in a rush.

"Hey, babe! Sorry I'm so late! Work kept me for too long." Then he whispered, 'just call me by his name to make it easier for you'

I nodded, internally I was thanking him profusely, and I told myself I would later as well.

"It's okay Ryan (the name of my boyfriend, soon to be ex-boyfriend after he pulled this stunt) I understand. How was your work anyway?"

We conversed like this back and forth for hours, ordering food and having a good time till it was time to pay the bill. He insisted on paying it to 'make up for being late'. Eventually I gave in and he payed then we left.

We decided to walk around a nearby park to actually talk about the current situation we have now gotten ourselves into.

-at the park-(still Merlin's POV)

"So what's your name?" I asked.

"Arthur, and yours?"

"Merlin" I responded.

There was a pause where we both just took in the night sky.

"So... Ryan, your boyfriend, right?" Arthur asked.

"Not anymore! Definitely not after he pulled this stunt!" I started getting angry and upset.

Arthur started rubbing my back soothingly. He decided that he would take me home and we could exchange phone numbers. I agreed and we walked a couple blocks to my house.

-at Merlin's house-

We approached the house and low and behold Ryan was in front looking impatient and in a hurry.

"Where have you been!" He asked/yelled, getting angry.

"Well I was at the date that we planned and have been talking about for the last week!" I responded. I was getting more and more worked up when I felt a hand on my back. And started to calm down.

He scoffed, "really you actually went to that? I blew it off, didn't feel like it."

"That was our six month anniversary! And you didn't feel like it?!" I said, tears threatening to fall.

"Oh please, it's not that important. Plus it looks like you already found a new boyfriend so who is this loser and who does he think he is touching my property!" He said pointing at Arthur.

"Okay first of all, he isn't my boyfriend (you ain't my boyfriend, Ariana whyyyyy!) and frankly neither are you at this point! Yes he is touching me, giving me comfort, as the person who was supposed to do that 'didn't feel like it'." I said with a tone of finality.

He looked like he was about to pop a gasket and I kinda found it funny to watch.

I took Arthur's hand and squeezed, then I hear him whisper 'I'll be right here I'm not going anywhere.

Then I proceeded to tromp my way up the stairs like the independent man I am and slapped my ex-boyfriend across the cheek as hard and loud as I could then told him to get off my property.

After he ran away I invited Arthur inside to talk and exchange numbers.

This was my hometown so I asked him what he was doing here, "I haven't seen you around before, are you new?"

"Yeah I'm new I'm looking for a place to stay like an apartment or such."

"Oh! Would you like to be my roommate? It gets kinda lonely by myself."

He looked up at me surprised, "really? You would let me stay with you?"

I nodded my head and he gave me an excited look.

~Time skip brought to you by morgana's gross hair~

(Still Merlin's POV)

It had been a year since I met Arthur and we were best friends ever since then. But I was starting to have a problem. I had caught feelings for him and it was bad.

It was a cold rainy day outside and Arthur had just gotten home from work and he was sopping wet, he forgot an umbrella... again. So he said hi and then went to take a shower.

Fifteen minutes later dinner is ready and I was serving up my bowl when he walks out topless and I couldn't take it anymore. I walked up to him and slammed my lips onto his then after I realized what I was doing I quickly pulled away and ran to my room and slammed the door shut.

-Arthur's POV-

I had just walked into the living room for dinner not wearing a shirt because all of them were in the dirty clothes bin, I really should start bringing an umbrella. Merlin suddenly walked up to me and kissed me! But then he ran away before I could react. But I was delighted! I had been developing feelings for Merlin for a while now.

Then I remembered that he is probably afraid and that he was alone in his room. I quickly ran to his room and knocked on the door.

He slowly opened the door, looking teary eyed and I quickly wrapped him up in a hug. He melted into my touch and started sobbing into my chest.

Slowly, I picked him up and brought him to my bedroom because it had a bigger bed. He had calmed down from crying and was now asleep and snuggled into my chest as my arms wrapped around him lovingly.

-in the morning-

3rd POV

Merlin woke up facing away from Arthur and was confused, this wasn't his bed. But then he took a deep inhale and smelled what smelled like Arthur.(comment how you think He smells cuz I have no frikin clue) Merlin then noticed the hands wrapped around his waist. He then turned around and found himself face to bare chest with his 'best friend'.

He looked up to find that Arthur was still asleep but suddenly he was being pulled closer and Arthur nuzzled into the crook of his neck. Arthur took a deep inhale of Merlin's scent and sighed contently.

Suffice to say Merlin was freaking out on the inside. But he started to play with Arthur's fluffy hair, massaging his scalp with his nails.

Arthur woke up to the calming sensation of someone threading their fingers through his hair and sighed contented to stay right there forever.

But as luck would have it that did not happen for soon after his sigh Merlin started giggling uncontrollably and it was the cutest giggle Arthur had ever heard. Arthur just had to wake up and listen to this laugh.

Arthur slowly opened his eyes to find his crush laying in his arms fingers rubbing his scalp with an adorable smile on his face and giggling like a little school girl.

To say Arthur was awestruck was an understatement. He then tried to lean forward to kiss Merlin but was met with two fingers. "No kissing me until you brush your teeth. Your breath smells horrendous."

Arthur sighed sadly and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. While Arthur was doing this Merlin went to Arthur's closet and got one of his hoodies and put it on quickly rushing to his room to put on a pair of booty shorts and then brushing his own teeth in the other bathroom.

When Arthur came into his room to kiss Merlin finally he had a surprise waiting for him. There was Merlin dressed in his clothes and with practically half his butt out.

Merlin clearly just liked to tease him. Arthur waked around him and asked 'can I have a kiss now?' Merlin nodded with a giggle and connected their lips in a soft kiss.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" Arthur asked.

Merlin nodded excitedly and hugged Arthur around the neck tightly


I hope you enjoyed! Be sure to comment any other  ideas you might want me to write on.
Also sorry I didn't write for a long time. I was busy. I love you all my lovelies!

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