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Words encapsulated by "double quotes" - are audible/spoken words
Words encapsulated by 'single quotes' - are thoughts
Words that are underlined are whispers or visible mouthing out of words



Third POV:
Arthur was being a prat, what was new? Merlin knew that he couldn't help it and that he didn't actually mean it but sometimes he was utterly insufferable. And Merlin was so close to his breaking point, he didn't know how much he could handle.

"MAYBE IF YOU WEREN'T SUCH A USELESS SERVANT I MIGHT TRUST YOU MORE!" Arthur raged, his breathing was ragged and he was red in the face.

Arthur was so blinded by his anger that he had started saying things he definitely did not mean. In truth Arthur trusted Merlin with his life, but in this instant he has forgot himself and logical reasoning was lost on him. So he spat the lies out like chewing tobacco, it tasted horrible but the rush as the nicotine of being able to siphon his anger toward something specific, something familiar, it became almost addicting.

Merlin was not ready for this, it was barely 9AM and Arthur was already on a rampage. And this time when Merlin looked into the eyes of his beloved Once-And-Future-King he did not find the sting of regret, or the anger at himself for being so harsh (like his father), but he found the cold indifference of a man who was mocked by the voices in his own head. His expression may have been physically devoid of anything of substance but Merlin could see through his eyes, the windows to his soul, that Arthur was haunted by his feelings of inadequacy. When he opened his mouth what spilled out were the words of the spiny and inky demons that suffocated his soul with harsh words and evil thoughts.

It was moments like these that Merlin realized that Arthur holds in a lot of emotions. And when his little box that his heart keeps that holds all of his troubles finally boils over, after simmering and bubbling up above the edge with a seemingly endless amount of surface tension, the bubble pops. And everything that Arthur worked so hard to conceal comes gushing out in a wave of blinded rage. He didn't mean to and all of his friends knew that in moments like these Arthur wasn't there, he was tucked back somewhere in the depths of his mind , huddling in on himself not trusting his ability to control his own body with the demons running rampant in his soul.

Eventually Arthur was worn weary and Merlin had reached his limit. Merlin tucked the prince in and took his leave. Merlin decided to take the rest of the day off and breathe.

He could not, and would not leave his prince, but some days a break from one another helps to remind him why he loves spending time with him, and going on adventures. Most days Arthur was a prat, and a royal one at that but some days Merlin saw in his eyes a flicker of light, love for his friends flashes in his eyes as he lets himself momentarily forget the worries of his kingdom. Merlin cherishes those days, it was then that he could appreciate the product of his labor.


Third Pov: (still, but with Arthur)
It had been nearly 3 hours, and the prince was roused from his not-so-restful slumber. He had had a dream, or at least he hoped it was a dream, that Merlin had gotten fed up with him and left him for practically dead.

And at first Arthur was only mildly annoyed with this dream but when he realized that it was definitely after his wake up call time he started to wonder where his manservant was, if not with him.

Arthur quickly threw the covers off of himself and swung his legs over the edge to push himself off of the bed. The second his bare feet slapped the cold concrete of his chamber floor he paused.

'Wait, I was up this morning before. How did I get back into bed with my shoes off no less?' He thought this to himself as he quickly resumed his strides to prepare to leave.

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