The magic book of love

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Arthur knows about Merlin's magic and he's okay with it. They're not dating yet.
Just a bunch of fluff


Merlin was reading a book on magic he was laying flat on his stomach and he was on top of Arthur's bed while he was at training.

He must have lost track of time because suddenly the chamber doors opened and a surprised Arthur walked in. Merlin was like a deer in the headlights he did not move. He could feel Arthur's eyes on him but didn't want to move for fear of Arthur attacking him.

Arthur's POV
When I came back from training I found Merlin on my bed reading a book. I held down my blush. My long time crush was in my bed. No Arthur you can't think like that he doesn't like you like that!

3rd POV
"Help me take off my armor you lazy bumpkin." Arthur said demandingly.

Merlin quickly got up and hurried over to help Arthur with his armor.

Once he was done Arthur turned to him and immediately picked him up. "What are you doing?!" Merlin squeaked.

Arthur had him by the waist and as Merlin got more scared he wrapped his legs around Arthur's waist and his arms around his neck to keep himself secure. Arthur moved over to the bed and plopped down to a sitting position still holing Merlin.

"What were you reading?" He asked calmly. There was a soft and warm feeling to his voice.
Merlin told him it was one of his magic books. Arthur hummed in response.

Arthur seemed to adore Merlin and his magic always saying it was beautiful and that he would one day make it legal in the kingdom.

He seemed to be in love with it. But maybe it wasn't the magic he was in love with maybe he was in love with its weilder.

All of a sudden Arthur plopped them down onto their sides, nuzzling his face into Merlin's neck softly leaving a kiss there. Merlin blushed and hugged Arthur closer if that was even possible.

Merlin finally got bored and reached for his book. He quietly read to himself while Arthur slept on his chest.


When Arthur awoke he found himself face first into his crush's chest and didn't want to get up.

Merlin noticed he was awake and said, "morning sleepyhead." With a bright smile. Arthur looked up and around, he saw that Merlin was reading one of his magic books and quickly looked at Merlin with a burst of wonder.

"Can you do magic for me?" He asked it like a child. Merlin just giggled and said sure. Arthur turned around and laid his back on Merlin's chest in order to watch. Merlin made butterflies appear and he was trying to make a strawberry but ended up making a rose and giving it to Arthur while blushing.

Arthur didn't know how much he could take before he was bound to give in. Apparently it wasn't much. He suddenly turned back around and crashed his lips into Merlin's. Merlin felt his magic do something while he was kissing back.

When Arthur pulled away for air he found the most beautiful sight ever. Merlin was glowing and the places Arthur had touched him skin to skin contact were the brightest.

Merlin looked at Arthur wondering why he looked so awestruck.

"What is it?"

He got no response as Arthur just sat there stupefied. Suddenly Arthur went for his neck he wanted all of Merlin to glow that bright.

"A-Arthur" he said in a breathless voice and Arthur kissed all over his neck.

Arthur eventually stopped and cuddled back into Merlin. And just as he was about to fall asleep he quietly said, "I love you Merlin"

"I love you too Arthur" Merlin said as he kissed Arthur on the head and fell asleep holding him.

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