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They aren't dating but they do like each other. No magic AU


It was a sudden thing, brought on by who knows what. One second Merlin was doing chores next to Arthur and the next they were making out.

Arthur couldn't seem to get enough of Merlin as he pulled Merlin onto him having him straddle his thighs. Arthur was surprised at Merlin's hands because they were rough, a striking difference to his own which were soft.

Another striking but not unwelcome difference was the gentle strength of the servant's long spindly (is that a word?) Fingers. They had a strength to them that was not previously known. They were strongly groping at Arthur's shoulders and the small limbs were weaving their way through Arthur's thick golden strands on the back of his head keeping him close.

Arthur soon realized the situation they were in but was unwilling to stop. Merlin's hands in his hair was driving him crazy. And it's not like he had a bunch to do right?

Merlin however disagreed. He pulled away and quickly said, "you should get back to work Arthur." But he didn't go far he was still in the prince's lap.

"I don't have too much to do" the prince mumbled trying to bring Merlin's lips back to his. Merlin finally caved letting the prince lift him up and take him to his bed.

They shared many a kisses and hugs and cuddles that night.


Hello my lovelies it has been a while but I am back! Send in some requests if you have any I am open to a multitude of things. Also go check out my new oneshot book please I only have one chapter but I'm working on it. Bye love you all!!

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