Short, and ticklish

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This is an AU where Merlin is short and Arthur finds it adorable

Merlin was getting ready to go to Arthur's chambers and wake him up but was having trouble because he couldn't reach the things that he needed.

All of a sudden Arthur barged in thinking that his 'lazy' servant was still sleeping and had forgotten that he had a job!

But what he found had to have been one of the cutest sights in all of the four kingdoms.

It was Merlin, but he was hopping up and down trying to reach something on the top shelf in the cupboard. And he still hadn't noticed Arthur come in.

Merlin huffed in annoyance and puffed out his cheeks making him even more adorable than he already was. Arthur took note of his distress and quietly snuck up behind Merlin and picked him up at the hips. Merlin squealed in surprise but quickly grabbed the bottle so he would be put down. But when he was just finishing putting the bottle away he realized he was never put down.

He quickly started struggling thinking he was being kidnapped but then whoever was holding him turned him around so he was facing them. He put on an angry face to meet his attacker. But when he looked up he saw sky blue eyes and a warm loving smile.

He smiled very wide at seeing his boyfriend and wrapped his arms around his neck.
Arthur then started kissing all over his face. The royal just couldn't handle how cute Merlin was. Merlin started giggling because all the kisses tickled his face. His laugh was adorable and Arthur found it very hard to stop.


Merlin walked into the king's chambers to help get him ready for bed. And he did just that but right as he was about to tuck him in he was pulled down onto the king's bare chest.

He blushed as the king pulled him closer putting his hands up the back of his shirt touching his bare back.

The king started rubbing calming circles on his back. But instead of relaxing Merlin tensed and held his breath. Arthur looked down at Merlin confused, had he done something wrong?

Arthur rubbed the circles slower thinking he could coax Merlin into relaxing.

This only made stifling his laughter harder. And all of a sudden all Merlin's practice at hiding that he was ticklish was out the window.

He burst out with boisterous laughter that brought pure joy to anyone who heard it. The second that magical sound hit Arthur's ears he was addicted, the sound was so amazing he never wanted to stop hearing it. It was so raw it was so... Merlin, he loved it.

Suddenly Arthur had flipped them now straddling Merlin's hips he pulled off his shirt and immediately started scribbling his fingers all over Merlin's middle. The boys laughter could be heard echoing off the walls of the kings chambers.

Finally Arthur stopped his tickle attack and moved off of Merlin finally letting him breathe.
Merlin was so tired that he just crawled under the covers and snuggled up beside Arthur and instantly fell asleep.

Arthur loves his short and very ticklish boyfriend.

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