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Credit to @AmeliaDiAngelo13 for this idea. This is a modern, Genderbent!Christmas AU! Also I'm making them roommates for this one cuz I kinda fell in love with that concept so... enjoy!


The moment that her eyes opened Anna Pendragon shot out of bed and ran to the living room, startling her roommate who was just trying to enjoy her morning cup of coffee.

Marcela had awoken about an hour or so before the energetic girl and was enjoying the peace and quiet before the inevitable chaos broke out.

There was snow softly falling to the ground and this fact did nothing but heighten the excitement of the already too energetic and childish adult.

"ITS CHRISTMAS!!!!!" Shouted Anna.

"Yes I know Anna." Marcela responded quietly. She had flinched at such a loud noise early in the morning.

"When can I open my presents?" Anna asked taking her tone down because she noticed how sensitive Marcela was to sound.

"After we eat breakfast"

So Anna took Marcela by the hand and guided her to the kitchen and asked her what she wanted to make and if she wanted any help.

Marcela said she was fine and started to make them a good breakfast with eggs, ham and pancakes.

Anna headed out of the kitchen in order to not bother Marcela and went to the hall closet. There she grabbed a twin bed comforter and took it to the living room. She laid it down on the floor in front of the presents and Christmas tree.

Satisfied with her work Anna was bored and wanted food. So she walked into the kitchen to check on Marcela and the progress of the food.

Soon Marcela felt two delicate arms wrap around her waist and a head plop on her shoulder. Then a whiny voice came from the person hugging her. "I want food and presents" the voice said dragging out the word presents.

"The food will be done in a few minutes and then we can open presents." Said Marcela.

At that moment there was a loud whistling sound and Anna immediately went to check it out. She looked out the front window and saw that the snow had picked up and become a practical blizzard.

This was not good, Marcela and Anna were supposed to go to their friend's, Gwaine and Percival's, Christmas party this evening but with this amount of snow they would surely be snowed in.

Anna took out her phone and texted Gwaine.

Hey Gwaine! Me and Marcela
Might not be able to make
It this evening, there is a
Blizzard at our house I think
We might be snowed in by

Oh! Okay good to know thanks
For telling me! I hope you guys
Have a good Christmas and stay
Safe and warm!

Anna then made her way to the kitchen to tell Marcela of the developments of the storm and their plans.

"Hey Marcy so the storm out side has picked up quite a bit and I'm afraid we will be snowed in by the evening so I texted Gwaine and told him we won't be able to make it."

"Oh! Okay. By the way the food is ready do you want to eat while we open presents?"

"Heck Yeah!" Anna was back in the Christmas spirit and ready to open gifts.

Running across the house like a maniac, Anna sat down in front of the brightly lit Christmas tree. Marcela was shortly behind her carrying a tray of food.

💚Time skip cuz I'm lazy!!!💚 (after eating and opening presents)

Anna got up excitedly and grabbed Marcela's hand pulling her up with her. Then she started pulling her to the door where their coats were.

"Let's go play in the snow! I wanna build a snowman!" Anna exclaimed.

Marcela sighed and got her coat on knowing she would not be able to convince Anna to let her stay inside.

So our they went foraging into the cold snow to build a snowman. And by the time they had finished the sun was going down and Anna was tired.

Once inside, Marcela went to the kitchen and Anna went to the bathroom to take a warm shower.

Once Anna was out of the shower she got dressed and headed to the living room to see what Marcela was doing.

Marcela was making two warm mugs of hot cocoa. The cocoa was ready to serve by the time Anna was out of the shower. (I know the timing kinda doesn't work here but let's just go with it)

Marcela and Anna sat on the couch with their hot cocoa and decided to play a Christmas movie, they ended up choosing die hard because both of them hated hallmark movies.

About half way through the movie Anna fell asleep on Marcela's shoulder and Marcela thought she looked really cute. Once the movie ended Marcela turned off the tv and wrapped them both in a blanket and wrapped her arms securely around Anna's waist, eventually she drifted off into a peaceful slumber next to the sun of her world.


And they all lived happily ever after with three kids and a dog blah blah blah....

Okay! So that was so fun to write I got he genderbend! Idea from my good friend emotionallydead666  so thank them for that!

Also if you have any ideas for stories you want me to write then comment them pls it really helps!!! Love you all bye!!!💚

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