Neck kisses

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They are already dating. Enjoy!
Tw: none! Enjoy the fluff!


Arthur loves to cuddle this was blatantly obvious to Merlin as he experienced the whiny princes antics about 'never cuddling with him' every day. But something that surprised Merlin was that Arthur enjoyed giving neck kisses.

The first time that they were cuddling in the prince's bed Arthur had his face buried in Merlin's neck. This would have been fine for them to just peacefully fall asleep in each other's arms. But the sleepy Arthur subconsciously started kissing Merlin's neck in his drowsy state. And Merlin, who was close to slipping into and nice dream filled sleep was jarred awake by the soft sensation of Arthur's lips on his neck.

This went on for weeks until Merlin had had enough of Arthur surprising him with this affection. He decided he was going to try and give Arthur a taste of his own medicine.


It was late and Merlin was on his way to Arthur's chambers with his dinner and a plan of action for after when his boyfriend wanted to cuddle. His plan was to initiate the cuddles instead of Arthur so he could be closer to the royals neck.

(Time skip)

Arthur had to admit he was surprised when Merlin asked to cuddle instead of Arthur having to beg. But he was happy nonetheless. He pulled Merlin in by his waist and rested his head on top of his.

Merlin could feel Arthur running his fingers through his hair and it did feel good but he was ready to put the rest of his plan into action.

Merlin gently moved his head to supposedly nuzzle more into Arthur's neck and right after he got comfortable he went for it gently placing his lips on the sensitive skin of the prince's neck. As he did this a small gasp was heard from the prince as he was caught off guard by the kiss.

Arthur was shocked and confused. He quietly asked, "wh-what was th-that for?" As Merlin continued to leave soft kisses on his neck eliciting small gasps and stutters from the prince under him.

"Payback," Merlin mumbled into Arthur's neck. Then he simply continued to pepper his love with kisses.

Arthur knew he liked giving Merlin kisses but he never knew how much he would love getting Merlin's kisses.


I hope you liked the story! Comment any other oneshots you want me to write! Good riddance!(jk I love you guys) have a great day!

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