He is your father?

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This is kind of like a pt 2 to 'an alternate ending to Balinor' so go read that if you haven't plssss!!! Enjoy!
Idea credit: iheartnoahschnapp_


Third Pov:
After the incident involving the death of Balinor and Merlin's breakdown, Arthur wanted to find out all he could about Balinor, maybe he has a child or a family. They should be told of his departure. He also thought it would be a way to ease Merlin's pain as he seemed very broken up about the whole situation (though Arthur could simply not grasp why, he's very much a dollop head).

The dragon was already dead (at least that is what Arthur thinks) but it couldn't hurt to know more about the ancient lords who were able to command dragons at a whim. If he was being honest with himself (which he wasn't) Arthur thought that dragon lords were the coolest of all the sorcerers he had ever heard of.

Heading down to the library Arthur found Geoffrey the book keeper scribbling away on a piece of paper at his old desk in the dark and dusty library, the only light he was working by was the faint light of a half burned candle. Arthur approached his table and the man looked up in surprise, it was not often that the prince came down to the library so obviously this must be an important occasion.

"Sire, what can I do for you?" Geoffrey inquired.

"Do you have any books on dragon lords? Specifically the records for their families?" The royal specified his search.

And like a modern computer the librarian thought for a second and then told him exactly what section to find the records he suggested, and he even went as far as to tell him what shelf from the bottom and how many books over. (He was very thorough in his catalogues)

Upon arriving at the correct shelf Arthur found 3 books that were the catalogues for the dragon lords and their names. The first was a medium sized book marked 'A-G' the second was significantly smaller and was marked 'H-R' and the last was the thickest of all three and was marked 'S-Z'. Arthur pulled the first book from the shelf and hauled it over to a dusty table next to a window.

When he dropped the book on the table a cloud of dust flew up from the table and the prince started coughing aggressively, hacking away until there wasn't a single dust particle left in his lungs. 'Now, time to get to work.' He thought, and began his research.

He opened the book and found the first section to be all of the dragon lords with a surname starting with A. He knew from what little information that his father gave him that Balinor's last name was 'Buckhannah' and he flipped through the delicate pages until he got to the section marked with a big calligraphic 'B'.

He scanned the section carefully until he found the one he was looking for 'Balinor Buckhannah', it read: 'resided in Camelot as an advisor to the king before the purge. During the purge Balinor went into hiding and was said to be living in Ealdor just on the edge of Cenred's kingdom, he is also said to be living with a woman named Hunith who is the sister of the current court physician Gaius. Balinor Buckhannah is to be regarded as a dangerous man and is to be avoided or killed if necessary...'

Arthur paused, 'Ealdor? Hunith?! Hunith is not that common of a name. And there aren't many Ealdors in these parts...' as Arthur processed this information he was staring at the chair across from him on the other side of the table, by the time he awoke from his stupor he had practically melted a big goopy hole in the wooden chair with how critical of an eye he gave it. 'So Balinor knew Merlin's mother, maybe they were close family friends and that is why he is so upset.'

Arthur got up and returned the book to its rightful place on the shelf. Then as he walked out of the library he waved to Geoffrey to announce his leaving. 'He waved and smiled just like he used to when he came here to do his studies,' Geoffrey thought, 'oh goodness. That was so long ago, how he has grown.' The old man smiled to himself at the thought of the ever so young Pendragon as the next king, he knew that the boy was destined for greatness.

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