Crying and cuddles

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In this they aren't dating but have untold affection. Arthur knows about Merlin's magic.
Tw!: angst


Arthur stomped up to Merlin's room door and knocked harshly. Merlin hadn't come in to work today and Arthur was angry about it, who does he think he is just skipping his job for a day!

When Merlin opened the door Arthur kept calm waiting for an explanation. Merlin took one look at Arthur and quickly threw himself into Arthur's arms and started sobbing.

Arthur was surprised, he had never seen Merlin cry before but he slowly drove his hands around Merlin's waist and pushed him into the room closing the door behind him. He gently asked Merlin what was wrong but Merlin only responded by crying harder.

Arthur realized this wasn't getting him anywhere, so he decided to try and calm Merlin down and then ask.

Arthur was going to sit on Merlin's bed but as soon as he did he realized how uncomfortable it was and he immediately decided that if he was going to calm Merlin down he would have to have an adequate resting place for him. He slowly pulled Merlin's legs around his waist while Merlin's arms stayed secure around his neck. He then got up and walked to his chambers. All the while people were looking at him and to be honest it was a spectacle, the king with his servant wrapped around him like a baby.

When he got to his chambers he quickly locked the doors and sat on the bed with Merlin still curled around him his crying has subsided and he was now quietly sniffing in Arthur's shirt.

Arthur gently took ahold of Merlin's head and brought his face up to look at him. Then he saw the severity of Merlin's condition, he had deep bags under his eyes meaning he had not slept a wink and his face was red and puffy with tear streaks running down them.

Arthur knew Merlin was calm now and asked, "why were you crying?"

Merlin responded by burying his face in Arthur's neck and mumbling an answer. Arthur looked confused and asked him to speak up.

"Some kids from back in Ealdor came yesterday and were mean to me but it's okay because they are gone now."

"It is not okay Merlin. What did they say to you!?"

"They just called me a bastard, unwanted, unlovable, and a wretched sorcerer who was good for nothing. And the sad thing is that its true."

Arthur was shocked the kids back in Ealdor were really mean to him. And the worst part is that he believed them. "Hey! No no no! Don't believe anything they say. You are the most amazing person I've ever met, and you are wanted you are loved. We-... I need you. I-I love you!" Next thing Arthur knew he was kissing Merlin's face all over earning a giggle from the sorcerer.

"Really? Y-you really love m-me?" Merlin questioned.

"Of course silly you are the best thing that has ever happened to me!" Arthur explained.

Merlin softly answered, "I love you too" and smiled a sweet smile pulling Arthur down to a laying position and fell asleep cuddled into the king's bed with his head resting on the king's chest listening to his heartbeat.

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