celebrity crush

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A/N: it's monday again! you know what that means! another au! 

i hope you guys like this one. don't forget to comment, I love reading your guys' feedback :)

for those of you in countries that are still suffering heavily from the coronavirus (like i am), I hope you're all healthy and staying safe!

It was a joke, Derek thought. It was always meant to be a joke. He didn't mean for it to get this far, but somehow it had.

Nearly two years ago, almost to the day, Derek's older sister, Laura, had spent months and months trying to set Derek up with someone else after his ex, Kate, dumped him. Fortunately, Derek had managed to evade all of Laura's setups with ranging excuses. That was until Derek's mother got involved, trying to set Derek up with the daughters or sons of her coworkers.

That did not work out well.

In order to escape, Derek started telling his family that he wasn't willing to go out on any dates with Laura or Cora's friends or anyone his parents recommended to him because he was already dating someone, and he was very intent on staying with that person.

Genius plan. Woo. Success. Pat on the back for Derek.

That lie carried on for two years, and now it was Thanksgiving, and Derek's mom was demanding that Derek bring his boyfriend to spend the holidays with them.

"You've been together with this person for two years! You haven't even told us his name," Talia Hale, Derek's mother, scolded, "Are you so embarrassed by your family that you can't bring him to dinner?"

Derek winced, realizing there was no way out, "Thanksgiving isn't just a regular dinner, Mom."

Talia crossed her arms against her chest, "You've been together for two years. If you really plan on staying with him, he'll have to meet your family at some point."

Derek groaned, dropping his head in his hands, "Fine. I'll bring him to Thanksgiving."

Talia cheered before running off to tell her daughters the good news, leaving Derek to scold himself for his stupidity.

How was he going to get around this?

At first, he started brainstorming all kinds of excuses for why his fake boyfriend would not be able to attend Thanksgiving dinner. That was until he texted Erica, his best friend, and local Cupid, asking for help and getting back a string of texts from her reminding him that his mother would just ask his boyfriend to come for Christmas. Knowing Talia Hale, she'd invite him over for Arbor Day if that was what it took to meet him.

Derek rubbed his eyes. Thanksgiving was a week away. He was screwed. Royally.

Deciding to put his problems on the back burner for now, Derek pulled out his phone and scrolled through Twitter. He'd probably spend half an hour on the app before getting tired and going to bed. It was an unhealthy habit, but who was going to tell him to stop?

Derek was about to call it a night when a bunch of tweets about Stiles Stilinski started flooding his feed. Stiles, Derek's favorite actor, was seen at an airport in a town less than twenty minutes from where he lived. Apparently, that was the filming location for his new movie.

A ridiculous thought flashed across Derek's mind, causing him to laugh and let his thumbs dance across the screen, typing a tweet that probably no one would see.

@DerekHale: need a fake boyfriend for thanksgiving dinner,,, interested? @StilesStilinski

Derek shook his head, laughing at the stupidity of the tweet, before plugging his phone in and going to bed, he'd figure this out tomorrow. Maybe he'll download Grindr in the morning.

Stiles Stilinski + Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now