Hospital Sterek - part I

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Stiles got out of his car and into the Beacon Hills Hospital parking lot as he did every morning. He held his home brewed coffee in his left hand and his glasses in his right. He hated to wear glasses while drinking coffee because they always steamed up.

"Hey Stiles! Wanna share?"

Stiles turned and saw Erica, a blonde nurse who worked in pediatrics with him.

"Tsk tsk Erica. If you want the good coffee, you have to bring it yourself. Your rules buddy."

Erica grinned and linked her left arm through Stiles's right arm, the one that held the glasses.

"So we have a new nurse starting today."

"Oh really. Name?"

"Derek Hale. According to Isaac he's a total hottie but his judgment is based off of Dr. McCall sooo."

Stiles laughed, "Scott isn't THAT bad looking, Erica."

They reached the automatic doors of the hospital and walked through, Erica doing a double take when they reached the nurses' station. She grabbed Stiles's glasses and slid them on her own face.

"Erica! I can't see!"

"Stiles. I think Lahey might have actually been right for once."

Stiles reached over and grabbed his glasses. He put them on his face and looked over at the new nurse. He really was cute.

The two watched as he made his way to the coffee station and got himself a small cup of coffee. After taking one sip, he made a grimace and dumped it in the trash.

Erica leaned over, "He's definitely new. No sane person drinks the coffee from here."

Stiles pulled away and walked up to Derek.

"I'm Dr. Stiles Stilinski. I'm in pediatrics."

"Derek Hale."

"You tried to drink the coffee, didn't you? I suggest bringing your own coffee tomorrow. I don't really want mine. You can have it if you want. It's black."

Derek's hand slowly wrapped around the mug.


Erica strode over, "So you can share coffee with the new guy but not with me? I see how it is," she turned to face Derek, "so you wanna grab dinner with me, hot stuff?"

Derek began to visibly blush, which Stiles thought was very cute.

"I don't- I can't- I'm not-"

Erica hummed and smirked a little.

"You're not what?"

His checks grew redder, if that was even possible.

"I'm gay."

Erica glanced over at Stiles before pulling Derek away.

"Erica! What are you doing? Rounds start in 20 minutes!" Stiles shouted as they kept walking. Erica simply waved him off.

Stiles groaned and made his way to the resident room and changed into his scrubs and his white coat.


Later that morning, Stiles was checking in on some of his regular patients, the ones that practically lived in the hospital.

"No beanie today Stiles?" Asked Tommy, one of his patients.

Stiles laughed and moved the stethoscope to the other side of his chest.

"Not today Tommy. I DO have some candy though. Milk Duds." He reached into his pocket and pulled out the box.

Even though he was extremely pale and had tubes in his nose, Tommy smiled and accepted the box with eagerness. He put them at the edge of his bed before suddenly stopping. His eyes rolled and he fell backwards. Stiles looked at the nurse in the room who ran to the door and pushed the blue button.

"Code Blue!"

Stiles jumped on the bed and began CPR.

A bunch of other medical personnel ran but the room, including Derek.

Derek handed Stiles the defibrillator and he ordered it for it to be charged to 300.


Nothing happened. Tears began to pool in the corners of eyes.

"You are not dying on me Tommy. Push 50 of Epi. And charge again!"


The nurses back away and Stiles shocked Tommy again. Small heartbeats began to spike on the monitor.

Stiles was so relieved yet so scared. He was frozen to the bed and Derek had to pull him off of the bed and into the hallway. Upon reaching the hallway he allowed the tears to fall freely and ugly sobbing sounds came out of his mouth.

Derek put his hands on Stiles's shoulders.

"Stilinski, it's okay. He's alive."

Stiles's cries slowed into loud hiccups. He looked down at his hands and tried to stop them from shaking.

"His name is Tommy," He croaked, "He's been here six months with stage II lung cancer. He's on the transplant list but-" he was interrupted by a hiccup.

"He's okay. He's okay."

Stiles heartbeat began to slow from its racing pattern and he wiped the tears out from under his eyes. He jumped up, much to Derek's surprise, and let out a breath of air.

"Right. I need to get some M&M's and check on Sarah. She had surgery yesterday."

"Stilinski! Stiles!"

Stiles turned and looked at Derek, "Yeah?"

"Don't push yourself too much."

Stiles grinned and pushed up his glasses, "This is a Hospital, Der Bear. I'm always running."

The tips of Derek ears turned red and he walked back into Tommy's room.

Stiles Stilinski + Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now