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A/N: I hope this counts for something lol. Let me know if you want a part 2!

Do you prefer Sterek AUs where Derek and Stiles are their exact characters from Teen Wolf or when their personalities are used for stories (Doctor AUs, Pop-star AUs)? 

Stiles hadn't been back to Beacon Hills in years. In fact, the only reason he was back this year was because his ex-wife wanted to spend more time with their daughter, Katherine.

Katie couldn't keep still in her car seat, "Daddy! Are we here? Do we get to see Grandpa?"

Stiles laughed and put the Jeep in park after pulling into the driveway, "Yes, we're here, ladybug." 

The Sheriff came out from the house and Katie only bounced around more. At times like these, Stiles could see elements of himself in his daughter. 

Stiles opened the door and went to go meet his dad in the middle of the driveway. 

"I missed you, son." 

Stiles responded by wrapping his father in the tightest hug. Living on the opposite side of the country without him had been one of the most difficult things he had ever done, and he's saying this as someone who dealt with werewolves in high school. 

"I WANT A HUG TOO," Stiles's six year old screamed from the car.

Stiles pulled back from the hug and laughed. He went back to the car and pulled his kid out of her car seat. He bounced her on his hip. 

"This is your Grandpa, Ladybug."

Katie's enthusiasm disappeared and she became very quiet and shy. 

Stiles just rubbed her back with his free hand, "She'll get used to you."

The Sheriff nodded. Stiles behaved the same way when he was younger. The two of them grabbed the suitcases from the car and brought them inside. Katie soon forgot her nerves when she saw the burger and fries that her grandpa had laid out for her. 

She wriggled out of her dad's arms and ran to the table and began shoving fries in her mouth.

"Katherine Ann Stilinski! Where are your manners?"

The six year old sighed and asked where the bathroom was so she could wash her hands. Noah laughed and pointed her in the right direction. She quickly ran off.

"She reminds me of you," Noah said after putting down one of the suitcases. 

Stiles looked in the direction of where his daughter had run off, "She reminds me of Marissa." 

The Sheriff sighed and began to set up a makeshift bed on the couch for his granddaughter. Both he and Stiles knew she would crash once she finished her dinner. 

"Son, Marissa leaving you was not your fault. But believe me when I say this: just because she's Katie's mother, doesn't mean she's Katie's mom. Make some memories with your daughter, one's that don't involve Marissa."

Stiles leaned into another hug, "Why does being a dad have to be so hard?"

"Now you know how I feel."


The following day, Stiles brought Katie to the grocery store while his father was running other errands.

Stiles was pushing the cart down the bread aisle when Katie sprinted ahead and turned the corner, only for Stiles to hear a loud thump. 

Stiles's heart dropped and he left the cart behind as he turned the corner.  

"Katie! Katie are you ok? I'm so sorry sir, my daughter doesn't pay attention sometimes - Derek?"

The man turned around to reveal that he was indeed Derek Hale.

"Stiles?" His eyebrows furrowed, an unmistakeable characteristic of the Alpha. 

"Yeah, hi. Sorry that Katie ran into you," he bent over and picked up the fallen six year old from the ground and put her on his hip. "What do you say, Katie?"

"I'm sorry Mr. Derek." 

In response Derek just looked shocked, as if he had never seen a child before. 

"You have a kid?"

Stiles used his free hand to scratch the back of his neck, "College."

Derek nodded as if that explained everything. 

"So what are you doing in Beacon Hills? It's been like seven years or something?"

Stiles nodded, struggling to keep his six year old who was squirming in his grasp.

"Visiting the ex-wife. As one does as a 26 year old. She wanted to see Katie again so."

The bitterness in his voice was so incredibly obvious that you didn't even have to be a werewolf to hear it. 

"Daddy I want to go home!"

"I hear you kiddo," Stiles said while setting Katie back on her feet. 

Derek rocked back and forth on his feet awkwardly. Both him and Stiles had been caught completely off guard by one another. 

"Daddy you should invite Mr. Derek to dinner. You don't have any friends at home."

Stiles blushed and tried to guide his daughter away from them. She wasn't completely wrong, though. In New York, Stiles didn't really have the time to make friends. Being a full time teacher and single dad kind of prevented it. The closest thing Stiles had to having a friend in New York was the weekly phone calls he had with Scott. 

"I'm sure Derek is very busy." 

"No he's not!" Katie exclaimed. Stiles was ready to melt into a puddle. "He's by himself in a grocery store. He can't be THAT busy."

The red on Stiles's cheeks deepened. 

"Well if you WANT to come over for dinner..."

Derek shrugged, "Is 7 okay?"

Suddenly Stiles was overwhelmed with all of the emotions from the crush he had on Derek back in high school.

"Yeah. Same house." 


Stiles set up the table for three (the Sheriff was out having a beer with some friends) and waited until the doorbell rang. When it finally did, Stiles checked the window and told Katie it was ok for her to open the door. 

"Hi Mr. Derek!"

Derek gave a small smile, "Hi Katie. Where's your dad?"

Katie grabbed Derek's hand and pulled him through the house.

"He's in the kitchen. He made burgers. They're always super yummy. My grandpa was supposed to have dinner with us but Daddy says he went to an old people restaurant to have old people drinks."

Stiles popped into the dining room where Derek was with his daughter and rolled his eyes, "He's at a bar with some friends."

"Can we eat now? Pleeeeeeease?" Katie whined while yanking on Derek's sleeve. 

Derek picked up Katie under her arms and put her on his hip.

"Yes we can, kiddo. Lead the way to the kitchen."

Katie pointed her finger down the hallway and as Derek followed the six year old's directions, Stiles swears his heart fluttered. 

Stiles Stilinski + Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now