How Did You Meet Papa?

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A/N: lowkey want to expand on this one but let me know what you guys think!

No matter how much he loved his job, Derek was always looking forward to heading home. Spending eight hours at the office was enough to drive anyone crazy.
Derek twisted his key in the lock and gently pushed the door. Before he could announce his arrival, he heard the gentle voice of his husband, Stiles.

"I met your papa when I was in high school,"

Derek moved down the hall to peak around the corner and into the living room, careful to not scare his children.

"Was Papa in high school?" His five year old son asked from Stiles's lap.

Stiles chuckled and adjusted his grip on his son's hand so that he could continue painting his tiny nails.

"No. Papa was done school. Can I tell you a secret?" Stiles whispered.

Derek's daughter squealed from across the living room, announcing her presence.


She scrambled onto the couch, bumping into her twin brother who squirmed on his dad's lap.

"Papa didn't like me very much. He thought I was annoying, can you believe that?"

His daughter gasped, "Papa didn't like Daddy?"

Derek rolled his eyes and finally stepped into the living room.
He swooped the five year old into his arms and smothered kisses all over his face.

"Daddy was incredibly hard to deal with. Him and Uncle Scott were always getting into trouble."

Derek sat on the couch with his daughter on his lap and leaned across to press a kiss to his husband's lips.

"I missed you today."

Stiles grinned and returned the kiss.

The twins made noises of disgust.

"Ew! Papa and Daddy are kissing again!"

Derek laughed, "Daddy is gross, munchkin. It's all his fault."

Stiles gasped, offended that Derek would ever say such a thing.

"Don't listen to Papa, he's a liar."

Derek grinned and proceeded to attack his family with kisses.

Stiles Stilinski + Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now