magic tricks

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This AU was written by my lovely friend, @LadyEnd01 . I haven't been writing a lot recently simply because I'm working and trying to decide if I'm going to school in the fall.

Remember to comment!!

Stiles shamelessly walks up to a particularly lonely-looking man. He has a plan, one that has yet to fail him. Well, not that he's actually tried it before. The man is super attractive, and broody enough to drive off all company, except the soon-to-pester Stiles himself.

"Hey there," Stiles says casually when he's close enough.

Stiles isn't usually this confident, and definitely not at a strangers party, but he has a buzz, and the confidence of a new learned skill.

"Hey," the beautiful man replies, almost like he's expecting Stiles to walk on.

"Would you believe me if I said I could read your mind?"

"No," the man scoffs.

"Good, because I can't," Stiles replies with a grin, "But I do happen to know a thing or two about a thing or two."


Stiles knows he's not off to a great start, but that's part of the charm. The fact that this guy isn't completely disinterested, is a good sign.

"I happen to know..." Stiles reaches into his back pocket, pulling out his phone. He shows it to the mystery man, who seems bored. "That I could very well lose my phone tonight."

As if on cue, someone dancing behind Stiles bumps into him, making him drop said phone. He picks it up, but finds the case empty, despite it having the phone in it just a moment ago.

"Uh, your phone's not in there, dude," the man says, trying not to grin.

"Well, shit. I called it."

The man laughs lightly, "So what are you gonna do about that?"

"Would you call it for me? Here." Stiles digs into his pocket and pulls out a phone, handing it to the stranger.

"T-This is my phone...." The man says, looking incredulous.

"Yes, that's why you have it, to call my phone," Stiles says with a slight grin.

The man checks his pockets, finding a phone in his back pocket despite having been leaning on the wall the last hour.

"Hey! You found it! Thanks man!" Stiles says with a big grin, pushing his phone back into its case.

"H-How did you do that? You had your phone, you dropped it, then you had my phone, and I had yours? How did you do that?"

"Just a little thing I call magic. What's your name, anyway? I'm Stiles."

"Derek, Derek Hale."

"Oh, we're going formal, Stiles Stilinski."

"So what was that bit about mind reading?"

"I was gonna steal your number, but now I'm hoping you'll just give it to me. I mean, you did steal my phone."

"Yeah, yeah," Derek says with an amused smile.

The two exchange numbers, and chat for a few hours, until the party ends.
"You never did tell me how you did that trick..." Derek says as he and Stiles walk to their cars.

"Well, two things I have to say to that. One, a good magician never reveals his secrets. And two, that's legit magic, Derbear."

"Well... I'm wondering how many other tricks you've got."

"I could show you some time, if you were interested." Stiles stops at his Jeep, and Derek stops for a moment as well.
"I'd be very interested to see all your tricks."

"Well, you have my number, and my heart, Beautiful Stranger. Until next time!" Stiles climbs into his Jeep before he can make a fool of himself further, and drives off.

"Gorgeous Dork," Derek chuckles to himself and heads home.

Stiles Stilinski + Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now