When You Said You Were A Werewolf....

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A/N: Hi. So. I am currently writing this in Physics so if I get caught,,...whoops. 

If you could have a Sterek one shot on ANY topic, what would it be?

THIS IS A PART  2 TO "When I Said I Would Go Undercover as a Stripper...."

The one thing Stiles hated the most in the world was hurting Derek.

After Derek had revealed himself to be a werewolf, Stiles's secret of being an undercover cop dug a hole in his heart. He felt unbelievably guilty for letting Derek bare his soul to him -his family's death, Kate, being a werewolf- and Stiles couldn't even tell him who he really was. This was partially due to the fact that Stiles was still technically supposed to be investigating Derek's potential position in the mob and he couldn't exactly go to his boss and say "He's really secretive and close to his staff because he's a WEREWOLF, not because he's in the mafia."

Stiles's second reason for not telling Derek who he really was, was that he knew Derek would react badly to lying. Derek was really sensitive when it came to people hiding things from him. Kate had made him incredibly insecure and closed off. 

At the moment, Stiles was wrapped up in the blankets on Derek's bed. He had his face buried in the pillows and his arm was sprawled across Derek's waist. 

"Der?" Stiles whispered.

Derek hummed in response. He clearly wasn't happy to be awoken at 2 in the morning by his boyfriend. 

"Tell me I'm pretty. And that you love me."

"You're pretty fucking annoying, that's what you are."

Derek rolled over and pulled Stiles into his chest, hoping he'll shut up and go to sleep.


Derek gently pressed a kiss to the top of Derek's head, "I love you so much. Now go to sleep."

Stiles's heavy heart only grew heavier.

Later that week, Stiles tried to get Derek alone again. It was after work and before the two of them had trudged up to Derek's apartment together. 

Stiles was in the middle of pulling off his heels when the overwhelming stress caused him to freak out in the hallway where the stairwell leading upstairs was. Tears started involuntarily streaming down his face and blurred his vision. His breath began to quicken and his body began to shake. He collapsed, twisting the ankle that was still in a heel. 

Boyd must have heard the thud because he came darting from the club.

"Stiles? Stiles! Are you ok?!"

All Stiles could do was shake his head. He needed Derek. 

He couldn't think. He couldn't- He needed-

Boyd ran from the hallway and returned moments later with Derek in tow. The concern on his face was evident. 

"Stiles, Honey? It's me. It's Derek. I'm here."

Stiles reached out and grabbed for Derek's hand and just squeezed.

"I can't-I can't" 

Derek stroked Stiles's hair, "Breathe. It's okay, I'm here. Just try to breathe."

Stiles took deep breaths, trying to fight through the sobs and shakiness. After managing to calm his breathing, Stiles leaned into Derek's hold.

"I need to talk to you." 

Derek nodded rapidly and signaled for Boyd to leave them in the hallway. Despite the noise of chatter and music from the club, the two of them felt completely alone. Just how they wanted. 

"Baby?" Derek whispered.

Stiles shut his eyes, almost as if this would make telling Derek any easier.

"I've been lying to you."

Derek's grip on Stiles's hand relaxed. 


Stiles buried his head in Derek's neck. He might as well just rip off the bandaid.

"I'm a cop."


Stiles opened his eyes, only to see a brooding alpha with a slight frown.

"Oh. Yeah. I know."

"You know?!'

Derek smiled gently, "Erica found out. Like a month ago. Believe me, you're not the first undercover cop to try to expose us as part of the mafia," Stiles raised an eyebrow, "Don't give me that look Sti, you know it's not true.  And I was pissed off, I was. But the more you stuck around, the less it bothered me. What you're doing is harmless. It's your job."

Stiles wiped his tears from his face, "You believed that I really loved you?"

Derek laughed and rubbed Stiles's back, "I'm a werewolf. I can hear your heartbeat. I would know if you're lying. At least, I hope I would."

Stiles leaned over and pulled Derek into the tightest hug he could manage. His heart swelled.

"I love you so much Der Bear. So much." 

(Even with his identity revealed, Stiles still continued to pole dance and show up to Derek's office at absurd hours)

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