prince + alpha

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A/N: THIS IS THE WEIRDEST THING I'VE EVER WRITTEN AND I DON'T KNOW IF I REGRET IT OR NOT. But also I'm definitely continuing this bc I have plans. In addition, my AUs seem to have a recurring theme of marriage. Love that. Please comment your opinions!!!

As soon as Stiles woke up, there was a pit in his stomach, one he knew would probably never go away. The dreaded day had arrived. The day where Prince Stiles Stilinski would be forced into marriage with the Alpha's son, Derek Hale, as a way of forming a peace treaty between humans and werewolves. His curtains had been drawn by one of the servants, allowing rays of sunshine to stream into the room and cause Stiles to flinch. Slowly, he got out of the bed and gently slid his feet into his slippers.

"Good morning, your Highness," one of his wards, Scott McCall said.

Stiles laughed and rubbed his eyes, "Scott, you're being ridiculous."

Scott walked over to Stiles's bed, handing the prince a breakfast tray, "I got yelled at for not using formalities yesterday."

Stiles accepted the tray gratefully and began to immediately shove bacon in his mouth, "You're my best friend, Scott. Plus formalities don't matter because I'm permitting you to address me by name or whatever."

Scott stood by the bed and waited for Stiles to finish his breakfast. "It's a very important day, Sire."

Stiles nodded solemnly, "I didn't even get a bachelor party. The horror."

Scott laughed and picked up Stiles's tray, "Are you excited? Have you met the man you are going to marry?"

Stiles shook his head, "I briefly got a look at his face at a conference between my father and the Alpha. He looked like he wanted to kill me."

Stiles dropped back onto the bed, somewhat hoping that if he fell back asleep, he would miss the wedding and wouldn't have to follow through with it. It seemed like sound logic at the time. 

Instead, someone walked into the room causing Scott to gasp and hurry out of the room. Stiles correctly assumed it was his father.

Stiles sat up on the bed and rolled his eyes, "I was having an enlightening conversation, thank you very much."

King Noah Stilinski strode into the room with an almost worried look on his face. Today was probably the most important day in all of Beacon Hills' history and the idea of the alliance depending entirely on his son made the king incredibly nervous. 

"I would have imagined that you would be awake at this hour."

Stiles scoffed and pulled the covers back. He stumbled to the bathroom where Scott already prepared a hot bath.

"The wedding will be at 11:30, as planned. A lot depends on this wedding, Mieczyslaw."

Stiles rubbed his eyes and gently pushed his dad out of the room. The pit in his stomach only grew. 

"It's not like you've reminded me a thousand times. I'll be ready."

The king departed, his guards following, leaving Stiles to get ready on his own.

He soaked in the bath (for less time than he would like) and once he got out, he called Scott back into the room to help him prepare. 

While sitting on a small stool in a fluffy robe, Stiles sulked while Scott shaved the five o'clock shadow from Stiles's face. He then helped Stiles apply some makeup to hide the bags under his eyes and paint his nails the same colors as the Hale coat of arms. Despite the disgust Stiles had at the thought of an arranged marriage, he knew he had to follow through to protect his kingdom.

Stiles Stilinski + Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now