how about a drunk wedding? pt 3

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A/N: Sorry for the long wait. As most of you may also be experiencing, I am home and practicing social distancing as a result of the coronavirus. Because of that, I hope to write a lot more, however, I'm finding it slightly difficult because of online classes. I hope you guys like this continuation of an AU that you seem to enjoy!

I love seeing your comments so please continue to leave them!

Stiles's alarm went off at 4:30 in the morning. He rolled over to admire Derek's sleeping form for a couple of minutes before reluctantly crawling out of bed. 

After a quick shower and a to-go cup of coffee, Stiles grabbed his work bag and left the apartment. 

His day was as uneventful as it could be for an FBI agent. It mostly consisted of paperwork and running between two different offices while trying to compile all of his notes from the previous case. 

The highlight of Stiles's day (which is either adorable or super sad) was when Derek texted him around noon to ask how his day was going.

Stiles responded with a quick 'good' and a smiley face before continuing with his paperwork.

"Why are you smiling Stilinski?" his coworker, Lydia, asked.

"Huh?" Stiles looked up and put a more neutral expression on his face. "Oh, nothing."

Lydia stood up from her desk and moved over to lean by Stiles's.

"I've seen that kind of smile only a few times working with you and I know for a fact that you're lying to me."

Stiles looked around to make sure no one else was paying attention. It was technically his and Lydia's lunch break anyway. He grabbed Lydia's wrist and led her to the elevator and out of the building. 

When he determined that they were a safe distance away (not that it mattered) Stiles brought them inside a cafe. 

"His name is Derek."

Lydia smirked and raised an eyebrow, "Boyfriend?"

Stiles bit his lip and raised his left hand and put it in Lydia's face. "Technically he's my husband." 

Lydia gasped and grabbed Stiles's hand. The two squealed for a moment, gaining the attention of the few other people in the cafe, and Lydia demanded that Stiles's told her everything.

After he did (and they got some lunch), Lydia asked the question Stiles had been asking himself for almost a week. 

"Are you going to get the marriage annulled?"

Stiles shrugged, "I mean I feel like I should. It's not fair to keep him permanently attached to me."

"But has he asked you about annulment?"

The realization hit Stiles, because no, no Derek hadn't asked for an annulment.

"So maybe he does like you Stiles. Like genuinely likes you." 

Stiles denied it and quickly drank the remainder of his coffee. 

"We should head back to the office."

Lydia eventually agreed, not without several protests, and the two returned to their workplace. 

Stiles packed his back at the end of the day and said his goodbyes before walking to the elevator and heading to the parking garage. 

When he arrived at his apartment, Stiles gently pushed open the door and called for Derek.

Derek acknowledged his presence and Stiles finally saw him in his kitchen, placing food on the table. 

"You didn't have to wait for me!" Stiles exclaimed while his heart swelled at the scene unfolding in front of him. 

"Yeah I did," Derek mumbled. 

Stiles loosened his tie and walked over to grab the plate from Derek's hands. He placed a kiss on Derek's cheek.

"Thanks, honey." 

Stiles placed the plate on the table before realizing what he did and turning around to face Derek who was just as startled as he was. 

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean-"

Derek interrupted him with a similar kiss on the forehead. 

"It's ok...honey."

Stiles blushed and continued to help Derek set up the table.

Stiles Stilinski + Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now