the protective one is not who you think

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A/N: This one is a bit shorter than normal. Sorry guys.

As always, leave a comment! I've been trying to respond to them more often. I think they're great :)

Stay safe and healthy!

Stiles didn't want to sound like a know-it-all, but he called it. He knew Theo was an asshole. No one wanted to believe him when he said they should probably keep an eye on Theo, and now he had to go rescue his dumb boyfriend from being killed. Dumbass werewolves.

Between Scott and Derek, it was a wonder the pack got anything done with those idiots.

Once Stiles figured out Derek's location, he darted up the stairs and to his room where he grabbed his bat from the closet. He then raced back down the stairs and dodged his dad when heading out the door.

"Stiles! Where are you going!"

Stiles swung open the door to the jeep before climbing inside, "Uhhh I have baseball practice."

"Son, you don't play baseball!"

Ignoring him, Stiles revved the engine and backed out of the driveway.

When Stiles got to the loft, Derek's Camaro was the only car out front. The rest of the pack had been led on a wild goose chase an hour out of town, leaving Stiles to be the only one to come to Derek's rescue.

He rolled his eyes. Did they ever think anything through?

Getting into the building wasn't hard, as Stiles had done it thousands of times before. Getting into the actual loft itself was even easier due to the copy of the key Derek had given him and was constantly attached to his key ring.

He shoved open the door, causing Theo and Derek to spin their heads towards him.

"Aw look. Your human-pet decided to pay you a visit. It sucks that it had to be when I was just about to kill you because now I have to kill him too."

Stiles spun the bat, "First of all, I'm not a pet, you asshole. That's an insult to pets everywhere. Second of all, you're not killing anyone. Third-"

"Stiles, honey," Derek growled while trying to keep Theo at arm's length.

"Uh-huh?" Stiles responded, concentrating on the angry and overly aggressive werewolf in front of him.

"Shut up and get out of here."

Theo's grin widened even more, "Yeah. Listen to Derek, honey, you should get out of here before you get hurt."

Stiles slammed his aluminum bat on the table. It was a parting gift from Derek when he went on a trip with Cora to South America. Derek wanted Stiles to be able to protect himself while he was gone, though Stiles often argued that he could do so without the bat.

Theo looked at the bat, smiling at the "Fuck You" painted on the side in red. Personally, Stiles thought it was a bit garish but Derek had clearly painted it on himself so Stiles didn't want to do anything about it. It was an adorable gesture.

"That's cute," He commented before lunging at Stiles.

Derek jumped forward, claws, and fangs on display. He grabbed Theo who snarled and sunk his own claws into Derek in response.

Derek reached for Theo's shoulder but was met with a punch to the nose. Blood started dripping from it when Theo grabbed his shirt, slamming him to the ground. Derek's head hit the corner of the countertop, causing him to collapse to the ground and pass out. Stiles's heart dropped before remembering that Derek was a werewolf and would most likely be fine.

Stiles tightened his grip around the aluminum bat in his hand, preparing to swing. He had absolutely no experience playing baseball, but roaming with werewolves taught a person some things.

Theo turned to face him, grinned, and made a grab for him. Stiles swung the bat as hard as he could and almost jumped with glee when it made contact with Theo's elbow.

Theo looked surprised, but only for a brief moment. He growled again, his blue beta eyes shining more than ever. He swiped at Stiles with his claws but was met with a bat to the head, sending him to the ground. His body was sprawled against the floor, blood dripping from a gash on his temple where the bat had made contact.

Stiles scowled and pointed the tip of the bat at Theo's forehead while fighting the urge to smash it against his skull. Repeatedly.

"Listen up, motherfucker. If you so much as TOUCH my boyfriend, I will take your fucking head off."

Derek used his right arm to push himself off of the ground, wincing at the pounding in his head. He looked up and saw Stiles's protective form standing in front of him and smiled. He wobbled for a second in his spot, his head nearly falling again to the floor, causing Stiles to turn around and face him.


Stiles dropped to the ground and helped him up. Derek flashed his own eyes blue, trying to get himself to focus, and looked at Theo's knocked-out form on the floor and then at Stiles's bloodied bat.

"Looks like the bat I bought you came into good use."

Stiles grinned before frowning and hitting Derek on the back of his head with his palm before running his fingers through Derek's hair to try and massage away the persistent pounding.

"Don't you ever get hurt like that again. Do you hear me? I will beat your ass, Hale," Stiles took a look at the bat, frowning at the bloodstains, "Aw, he got blood on the words."

Derek wrapped his arm around Stiles's slightly smaller form for support and also just to hug him. Stiles reciprocated the motion and used his own arm to help Derek.

"C'mon big guy. Let's get you out of here." 

Stiles Stilinski + Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now