complete and utter chaos

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A/N: I can't tell if I like this one or guys let me know what you think.

Stiles didn't want least not at that moment. Even though he had been dating Derek for almost seven years, they had never really discussed having kids, heck, they have barely even discussed marriage. Stiles could barely take care of himself, let alone an actual infant.

Scott, on the other hand, was ready to have kids as soon as he could. It wasn't even two years out of high school when he and Kira got married on a sunny spring afternoon in Beacon Hills, California. Nine months later came along their first child, a rambunctious little girl named Melissa. Their son, Finn, was born two years after that.

Stiles loved those kids to death. He tried to visit them as often as he could, especially after he was reassigned to an FBI office in California that was only half an hour away from Scott and Kira's house.

"You're not the cool uncle," Derek commented while flicking on his turn signal so that he could turn left. They were on their way to have dinner with the McCalls.

Stiles gasped and clapped his hand to his heart in feign hurt, "Yes I am! I'm totally the cool uncle. It's definitely not you. You're, like, the vodka aunt that shows up to Christmas dinner sometimes."

Derek tried to roll his eyes in Stiles's direction while simultaneously paying attention to the road, "I never said it was me. All I know is that it's not you. Plus I show up to way more dinners than just Christmas."

Stiles glared and folded his arms against his chest, "I thought you loved me."

A light chuckle escaped Derek's lips as he reached his right hand across the gear stick to break the barrier Stiles had formed with his arms and grab his hand.

"Just because I love you doesn't mean you are the cool uncle."

Stiles scoffed and pulled his hand away to slap Derek across the chest.

Derek grinned and grabbed Stiles's hand again to press a kiss to his palm, "I should sue you for spousal abuse."

"We're not even married!" Stiles cried, trying not to blush while Derek pressed Stiles's hand against his lips. It didn't matter that they'd been dating for seven years. Derek still somehow managed to get him all flustered.

Stiles didn't know if Derek was purposefully avoiding his gaze when he said, "We could be."


When they finally got to Scott's house, Stiles didn't even wait for Derek to put the Camaro in park before jumping out of the car and running to the door. Stiles fished for his keys to find the copy of Scott's key that he'd been given. Eventually he managed to open the door and screamed, "The cool uncle is here!"

Stiles smiled at the sound of small footsteps coming down the stairs.

The words "Uncle Sti!" floated through the hallway, along with a running six year old.

Stiles didn't even wait for Melissa to stop running before picking her up and swinging her in circles. He squeezed her gently against his chest, smiling at her squirming.

"Mels! My favorite niece. How are you, my dear?"

She grinned a toothy grin, "I'm good."

Scott managed to make his way to the front entrance, along with Kira. He pulled Stiles into a side hug in order to avoid squishing his daughter who was resting on Stiles's hip. Scott commented on the small gash above Stiles's eyebrow that he'd gotten from work while Stiles made fun of the length of Scott's hair.

Eventually Derek joined them after parking the car and smiled at the way Stiles was protectively holding Mels against his body. When she realized who had entered through the front door, Mels made grabby hands and forced Stiles to hand her off to Derek. Derek accepted her gratefully and pressed a quick kiss to her forehead.

"That's gross, Uncle Der," Mels grimaced. She used one of her hands to try and wipe the kiss away.

Derek shrugged and asked her where she hid her brother.

"He's taking a nap," Mels responded, "But that's okay because it means you can spend more time with me."

Stiles let out a hearty laugh and followed Kira to the kitchen to help with dinner.

Mels demanded that Derek follow them so that she could help as well. Derek swung her onto his shoulders and zoomed to the kitchen while making various plane noises. Stiles couldn't help the fondness in his heart when he heard Mels's shrieks of excitement.

Once they'd finally sat down to dinner, and Finn and Mels were happily shoving ravioli in their mouths, Mels interrupted the adult conversation with a story of her own.

"Daddy," she said with wide eyes in Scott's direction, "You'll never BELIEVE what happened at school today."

Scott grinned, "Oh really?"

Mels nodded eagerly, "Mhm. Tyler from Mrs. Hanan's fourth grade class punched Sam on the playground when Sam called him a bitch. Sam's nose was bleeding and everything," she sighed, "It was so cool."

Stiles snorted while Scott sighed. Kira tried to refrain from scolding her use of language.

"Jar," Scott eventually said.

Mels frowned, groaned when she realized her dad wasn't going to change his mind, and slid out of her chair.

Stiles told Derek to eat his broccoli (which he did begrudgingly) before adding another piece of ravioli to his mouth, "Jar?"

Kira shrugged, "Mels has a habit of repeating things she hears from school. Now, each time she says a "bad word", another fifty cents goes into the jar."

"It's working," Scott says, "Somewhat."

Eventually Mels made her way back to the table, visibly angry at the loss of another fifty cents. While Scott turned to help Finn cut his ravioli into smaller pieces and Kira busied herself in a seemingly deep conversation with Derek, Stiles pulled out his wallet and discreetly handed Mels a five dollar bill underneath the table.

"Knock yourself out, kiddo."

Mels grinned a toothy grin before screaming "BITCH!" at the top of her lungs.

Scott didn't even have to say jar before Mels waved the five dollar bill in his face.

"I get nine more no-no words out of this bad boy," she said.

Derek rubbed his face with his hands, "This is why we can't have kids, Stiles."

Stiles faked a gasp, "I guess I'll have to continue creating chaos with my niece and nephew then."

Scott and Kira simultaneously groaned.

Stiles pumped a fist in the air, "I am totally the cool uncle."

Stiles Stilinski + Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now