my sister's fiancé is the love of my life

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A/N: Hello besties. Tis I, the writer that continuously fails to update. I hope you enjoy this one, I had fun writing it. I am working on your requests, and I have ideas brewing, but of course feel free to let me know if you have anything you want to see! I love seeing your guys' comments and hearing your feedback.

I hope you're all safe and healthy. 

Much love <3

Derek remembered the day of his sister's betrothal very vividly.

The family in its entirety had been eating dinner around the table in the great dining hall when their mother, Queen Talia Hale, announced that King Noah Stilinski of the neighboring kingdom had agreed to a betrothal between his only son, Prince Mieczyslaw Stilinski, and Princess Cora Hale.

The peace held for approximately ten more seconds before Cora threw her goblet to the ground, stood from the table, and stormed from the room.

Unfazed, the Queen dabbed her lips with her napkin, "Well, that went better than I'd imagined."

In truth, it did not matter what Cora thought of her betrothal. For both she and Derek knew that they were to be pawned off to form alliances, seeing as their oldest sister, Princess and Heir to the Throne, Laura, had married for love. At twenty-three years of age, Derek was surprised that he'd even made it this far without a marriage arrangement.

In the following weeks as wedding plans came into fruition, word of the Stilinskis impending arrival buzzed throughout the palace. Their arrival had drawn so much attention that Derek heard from a maid before his own mother that the Stilinskis had passed through the kingdom's walls.

When the father and son finally did enter into the throne room, Derek could not help but stare at the young prince. His dark brown hair looked soft to the touch and his golden eyes reminded Derek of honey.

"Welcome, King Noah! It is an honor," Derek's mother exclaimed.

King Noah bowed and the prince followed suit, "Ah, but the pleasure is all mine, Queen Talia."

"Enough with the formalities," the Queen waved, "After all, we are soon to be family, are we not?"

"Indeed we are," the King agreed, "My son, your Majesty."

The prince bowed his head, "Your home is beautiful, your Majesty."

"I thank you, Mieczyslaw," The Queen gestured to Cora who had planted a recognizably fake smile on her face, "My daughter, Cora."

The prince approached her and took her hand for a gentle kiss upon her knuckles, "Your Royal Highness."

Cora nodded and waited until the prince backed away before saying, "Prince Mieczyslaw. My brother, His Royal Highness Prince Derek, shall show you to your quarters so you can rest from your travels. We will reconvene at half past seven for dinner."

Derek stood from his seat and nodded in goodbye towards his family before leading the Stilinskis into the hallway. The King's chambers were placed close to the servants' quarters, mere meters from the throne room, so that they could quickly tend to his needs. The prince's quarters, on the other hand, were more strategically placed in the same hallway as Princess Cora's room in hopes that the two would frequently run into each other and develop a stronger relationship.

Once the King was settled, Derek led the visiting prince in the direction of his room.

Prince Mieczysław dropped his shoulders, "Oh, thank the Gods. If I were to spend one more moment with my father, I believe my sanity would have taken a serious toll."

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