i hate that i miss you

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A/N: I know this one shot is kind of sad (hopefully you feel emotions) but I literally couldn't stop laughing at some parts because I kept writing Derek as Derk.

Derek remembered the morning after Stiles's funeral.

He was sitting on the floor in the middle of what used to be their bedroom. He was staring at the wall, willing himself to not start crying all over again.

Derek took a deep breath and tried to remember what his therapist told him to do.

"I miss you," Derek tried, his voice raw from the lack of use in the past few days.

"Your dad is here. He's-He's being really great. I should be there for him- I should-"

Derek quickly wiped the tears away from his eyes before they could run down his cheeks. It wasn't fair that the Sheriff was supporting Derek and Derek wasn't able to return the favor. Hell, Derek could barely get himself to leave the bedroom.

"I was going through your clothes this morning," Derek sniffed. "I was wondering where my black sweatshirt went. Turns out you had it."

Derek laughed to himself. He could almost picture Stiles chuckling and planting a big kiss on Derek's cheek as he stole back the sweatshirt.

He could almost picture Stiles being back and running through the halls and making totally inappropriate jokes with the Sheriff in the house.

But then he remembered.

Stiles was never coming back.

Derek's anger quickly boiled and he started to rip apart anything and everything that reminded him of Stiles.

He balled up the sweatshirt and threw it as far as he could before digging through Stiles's drawers and throwing the clothing all over the place.

Derek pulled off his wedding ring and threw it at the mirror, leaving a tiny crack, and watching the silver band hit the floor.

Derek found photos of him and Stiles and began tearing them to shreds.

It wasn't until ten minutes later when Derek started regretting everything that he did.

He picked up the wedding ring and gently pushed it back on his finger.

He then sat on the floor with a roll of tape and tried to put the photos back together.

And that's how the Sheriff found his son-in-law: Crying and shaking on the floor while trying to tape fragments of a photo.

Instead of scolding Derek for destroying everything, the Sheriff pulled him into a tight hug and held the man while he sobbed.

"I miss him Dad. I miss him."

Stiles Stilinski + Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now