The 5 Times Everyone Realizes Stiles and Derek are in Love

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A/N: She's a long one, my dudes. 

Also, I plan on doing massive rewrites on some of the earlier AUs. Idk if you guys realize, but I've been writing this for a WHILE.

1. For some reason that Stiles could never determine, he worked better when he was at the loft. If he had an essay due in the following days, it was practically guaranteed that he would be grinding away at Derek's kitchen table in the loft with his books taking up all of the available space.

This particular essay was supposed to be an in-depth analysis of the understanding of Marie Antoinette's reputation and Stiles was frantically typing away at his laptop. Finding sources on this topic was the hardest thing he had to do and he couldn't focus enough at his own house. 

It was the quietest Derek had ever seen him.

The rest of the pack was there as well. The loft had quickly become afterschool gathering space. They were busying themselves with a movie on Derek's flat-screen TV, careful to be quiet enough to let Stiles do his work, though they did have their moments of bickering with one another for the remote (though this was mainly Scott and Jackson).

After two hours of aggressive typing, Stiles jogged to Derek's desk in the loft where he had printed out his essay. He yanked it from the printer and ran back to the table.

"You done?" Derek asked from his position between Erica and Boyd. He moved over, pushing Erica gently to give Stiles some room next to him.

Stiles shook his head before grabbing a red pen and several highlighters to go through his essay and mark up everything he needed to change. He couldn't fail this essay. He couldn't.

"C'mon Stiles!" Erica shouted while throwing a piece of popcorn at his head, "Take a break!"

Stiles rolled his eyes, ignoring the murmurs of agreement from the rest of the pack. After watching Stiles continue this back and forth pattern of highlighting and typing, Derek stood up from the couch and made Stiles a plate of leftover pizza and carrots.

He walked over to the table and slid the plate over to Stiles. Stiles looked up and raised an eyebrow.

"What's this?"

"Food. You have to eat."

Stiles tried to wave Derek off with the back of his hand before saying, "I'll eat when I'm done. I just need to reformat my sources and finish proofreading. Just give me a minute."

Derek sighed and pulled up a chair next to Stiles, "That's what you said twenty minutes ago. Eat the damn pizza, Stiles."

Stiles dropped his pen and looked up to Derek who was holding a slice of pizza in his face.

He gently took a bite of the pizza, blushing when he used his tongue to tuck a loose string of cheese in his mouth.

Stiles reached out to grab the slice, his hand gently brushing Derek's.

Derek didn't move from his seat next to Stiles until he had finished the last carrot. When he did, Derek stood up and went back to his spot on the couch.

"Geez. Why don't you two just get married already," Lydia commented from her spot adjacent to Jackson.

2. One common theme for most of the Pack Nights was Chinese food in some way, shape, or form. It was a weird addiction that the pack had, usually due to the fact that most of them didn't have Chinese food at home. Every week the pack would have arguments on what to eat. Scott was normally pushing for pizza while Jackson fought back with the suggestion of sushi.

After listening to fifteen minutes of bickering, Isaac would normally suggest Chinese food and everyone would stop their arguing with a silent agreement.

Stiles Stilinski + Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now