are you Star Wars? because Yoda one for me!

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A/N: HAPPY MONDAY!! In case you forgot, I will be posting a NEW one shot EVERY MONDAY for the next few months. 

As always, feel free to leave a comment. I really love reading them. 

Derek was new to the area. He moved to Beacon Hills for a job offer at a law firm in the middle of town. Erica, one of his new colleagues, suggested that he try the coffee from The Hideout, a small coffee shop around the block from the firm. According to Erica, the coffee at The Hideout was a thousand times better than any type of coffee that could be made at any of the firm's coffee machines.

That meant that on the following Monday morning, Derek was wandering around the block in search of The Hideout. Upon finding it, Derek seriously questioned Erica's reliability before entering the shop. From the outside, the shop looked run down and uncared for, but on the inside, Derek immediately felt at home.

He slowly made his way to the front of the line where he was greeted by a seriously sleep-deprived young man. Derek could tell that he was struggling to keep his honey-colored eyes open, and the tousled brown hair on the top of his head wasn't helping the barista look put together.

Derek cleared his throat, "I'll have a blonde flat white."

The barista, Stiles, according to his nametag, snorted as he placed the order into the register, "That would be my stripper name."

Clearly not having meant to say that out loud, Stiles froze and his eyes widened.

Unable to express how amused he was, Derek pulled out the correct amount of change for the drink, in addition to a twenty-dollar bill that he handed to Stiles as a tip.

He walked to the other side of the counter and waited patiently for his drink to be made. When it finally arrived, Derek picked up the drink and took a sip. Goddammit. Erica was right.

In the middle of silently cursing the amazing coffee, Derek noticed sharpie scribbled on the side of his cup. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion before reading the message.

Is this the Hogwarts Express? Because it feels like you and I are headed somewhere magical.

Derek looked up and searched for the writer of the secret note before his eyes landed on the same, sleep-deprived barista from before.

"I wanted to test out some nerd humor," the barista stammered with a small smile.

Derek shrugged, "I'm a Hufflepuff," he said before turning to exit the cafe.

He was almost out the door when he saw Stiles trip over his own feet and fall to the ground.

And while Derek could probably make some decent coffee at home, he'd been to The Hideout every day since.


Is that a mirror in your pocket? Because I can see myself in your pants.

Derek scoffed and rolled his eyes at the pickup line on his cup.

"That was a good one!" shouted the barista from the other side of the counter.

Derek stuck out his hand and waved it side to side as if saying it was mediocre.

The barista, Stiles, frowned and pulled his apron over his head and threw it at another barista. "I'm taking fifteen."

He jogged out from behind the counter and towards Derek who was taking his usual spot at a table by the window. Stiles slid into the opposite seat and tried to poke his head into Derek's line of vision without ripping a hole through the newspaper he was trying to read.

Stiles Stilinski + Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now